New Zealand Plants

I love working with Spirit and I am lucky that not only do they talk with me but they visit me in dream state.

And it was through that beautiful waking sleep state that happens just before you enter consciousness that I got a vision. Then a nudge and a push…and with Spirits encouragement and Divine backing I started learning about, then working with, native New Zealand plants.

I now want to share with you the magic that Spirit shares with me.

Making Balm

I personally love making a balm because I love picking the plant.. Read how I make balm here

Rules, Blessings and Thanks

  1. Always ask for blessings from your Spirit People before you start picking. You are dealing with magic.
  2. Always smell your plant and then give it a little nibble (unless of course you already know it is harmful to ingest for humans and horses like Comfrey, Toot and Poroporo). If it tastes bad, makes you want to retch or gives you any other not nice feeling then spit, spit, spit. It is either poisonous or you have a reaction to it. Either way, stay away from that plant.
  3. Always return used plant matter back to the ground with a blessing.

You are a divine being. You are also part of the bigger picture, however, you are not the boss. Your Spirit People are. Ask for their guidance, protection and blessings before you start, ask them to stand with you as you work, and thank them when you finish.


I give many thanks to the people who helped me start this journey. South Pacific College of Natural Medicine
International College of Herbs
Wayne Hill PGCertHSc, BSc, BHSc(CompMed), DipNat
Donna Kerridge Bachelor of Health Science in Complementary Medicine * Diploma in Naturopathy * Diploma in Herbal Medicine * Advanced Diploma in Massage Therapy * Member of New Zealand Medical Herbalists Association * Member New Zealand Society of Naturopaths * Member of the Natural Health Council (NZ) Inc.
Pa Ropata Rongoa Maori
Isla Burgess MSc. Dip. PE; DipTchg; DipHerbMed; MNZAMH
Whaea (Fire) Ruth Medical Herbalist at Te Herenga Waka o Orewa Marae.
And everyone else who talked with me, listened to me, argued with me and let me use them as a guinea pig.
I thank you.

The highest light in me honors the highest light in you. Namaste

** At all times seek professional medical advice before using herbs.