30 Sec's on....


I want to ask you a question:

When was the last time you had a STI check?

I normally do one every, ok, fine, not very often.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I did one, but I got up the other day and decided in my random-hippy-chick way that I should have one.

I mean, I don't do casual sex and I'm not in a relationship, so you know, I don't actually need one.

But there's nothing like hearing about other peoples hit-and-miss sex, with lots of different peeps, and a couple of Scary-Morning-After stories, to make you re-think your sexual health.

So off I went to see the nurse at my Dr's.

She was lovely. 

We had a chat, I said I just wanted a full STI check done.  Not because I thought I had one, but because I literally hadn't had one for so long.

24 hours later I got a text that I didn't have Gonorrhea.


But then I thought about it and went, Wait...why are they not saying that all tests are clear?  Why are they just talking about Gonorrhoea?

So I made contact and asked them.

And found out that they, because I didn't have any symptoms, tested for a Urinary Tract Infection, Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia.

They didn't test for the anything else.

You read that right.

I went for a Full and complete STI Test and that's what they tested for.




Herpes and warts can only be checked while you are in the middle of an outbreak and Syphilis, Hepatitis and HIV can only be tested by bloods.

So, before you have your next Ménage à deux (or trois), you might like to re-think that question of:

Have you had a STI check done recently?

Kissy hugs

T (she/her) and Spirit


I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where I work and live, and pay my respects to Elders, past and present.

** Having pronouns in an email signature signals you as an LGBTQIA and/or ally (a person who is not LGBT, but who actively supports the LGBT community)

LGBTQIA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex (a person born with a combination of male and female biological traits) and Asexual (little or no sexual attraction to others)