30 Sec's on....


I love you and I think you're amazing.

I think the way that your brain works, with all it's crazy loops, twists and turns, is literally a work of art.

The way you look outside the square, when we don't think the same thoughts, makes my serotonin synapses spark.

That your way of kindness doesn't just serve your best self.

It is all encompassing and embraces all races, socio-groups and different sexualities.

I love that you are a better person than me, because through age and experience, I'm a little more well-worn of people, stricter with my boundaries and sit firmly in the, Do I look like I was just tapped with the Stupid Stick?


But that's what makes you so amazing.

Keep being you.

I love you. 

Kissy hugs

T (she/her) and Spirit


Having pronouns in an email signature signals you as an LGBTQIA and/or ally (a person who is not LGBT, but who actively supports the LGBT community)

LGBTQIA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex (a person born with a combination of male and female biological traits) and Asexual (little or no sexual attraction to others)