30 Sec's on....


So, first off, two very important things happened way back in 1969.

One:  I was born.  I know, thank you.

Two: Scientists realized that mushrooms were not plants, and that they are more closely related to animals.

Now here we are in 2022 and I've realized that:

A) Life is waaaaaaaaay better with horses and

B) Refer to A.

I love that.

And now over to mushrooms...

Did you know that we now realize that mushrooms can help plants communicate, share nutrients and successfully defend themselves against pests and disease?

You and I tend to just recognise the top, above the ground, part of the mushrooms, and think that that is it. 

But we've got it all wrong. 

Most of the mushroom (and the most important part) is the mass of thin underground threads called mycelia. These undergrouond filaments are actual networks that help plants and trees not just connect, but talk to each other, through structures called mycorrhizae.

I kidd you not.

Mushrooms actually link all the trees and plants together, like a major communication network headquarters.

In fact, Scientists now believe about 90% of land-based plants are involved in this super weird relationship. 

What is going on with the other 10%? I hear you say.

I don't know.  Stay with the conversation that we're having, baby.

Scientists believe that plants give food to the mushrooms via photosynthesis, then the filaments help the plants to get water and minerals, which produce chemicals that fiight disease. 

In fact, Scientists think that mushrooms work in a very similiar way to brain cell networks - growing new connections while tweaking other ones, in direct response to enivornmental stimuli.

But the weirdest thing?

Both mushrooms and the human brain use chemical messengers to transmit signals through a cellular web.

That mushrooms don't just actually think, but process, and then put into action.

Now that there is some Woo Woo kind of magick, baby.

Kissy hugs

T (she/her) and Spirit


Having pronouns in an email signature signals you as an LGBTQIA and/or ally (a person who is not LGBT, but who actively supports the LGBT community)

LGBTQIA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex (a person born with a combination of male and female biological traits) and Asexual (little or no sexual attraction to others)

Reference: Ecowatch.com