30 Sec's on....



My most favorite word in the Universe is...


I love the way it feels in your mouth, the way it whispers in your spaces, caresses your soul and morphs into a Tiger.

To me, it is the perfect word.

And embodies everything that you should aim to have.

Because it is the foundation for everything amazing that happens to, and for you, in a relationship.  

Being Independent means you are not a victim.

You have self-worth.

An abundance of confidence.

Great friends.

And a way of making money that you are passionate about.

Which is why it hurts my soul, when I hear this word being bandied about in a disrespectful and confining way.

I mean, he can keep some independence.  I'm not a bitch, but he'll learn when we get married. 


You work?  I'm really looking for a woman to look after....


I'm tired of working, I just want a man to take care of me.  

I know, right?  Just hook up the two above.

But all jokes aside, this week has been scary in the negative co-dependent kind of way.  The If you love me, you won't... 

And that's kind of crazy because love, as you and I are talking about it, is strong and powerful, confident and empowered. 

But it is also, consensually monogamous, respectful, non-addicted and kind. 

Which brings me back to my original point...

Independent is sexy, baby, get your game on.

Wishing you much love and abundance and a truly courageous  heart.

T and Spirit
