30 Sec's on....




So, I had the oddest conversation today.

And it went like this:

If you could have any 5 things in this world, anything at all, what would you wish for?

My co-conversation-ee thought about it for a minute, and then she rattled off her wish list.

Which was cool.  But then I went, Wait...you never mentioned winning First Division Lotto. 

And there was that funny silence.

Then she said, Why would I wish for that?  That's the stupidest thing in the world to wish for.  I will make my own money.

In almost 26 years, I have never, not once, had someone tell me their wish list, and winning First Division Lotto wasn't on it.

Not once.

You're a rockstar, baby.

Wishing you much love and abundance and a truly courageous heart.

T and Spirit
