30 Sec's on....


What a super cool moment I had today.

I mean, don't get me wrong.  I have lots of super cool moments but... 

Anyway, there I was sitting having an impromptu coffee with one of my mates, and I flicked into a deja vu moment.  Literally.  I was in that moment.

And it was so cool.

Because for me, deja vu always talks to me of destined meetings.  Of people who have been gifted to me from Spirit, and of a life that I was supposed to live.

Which always make me stop and think.

No, not about dodging rain, juggling clients, organising horses and generally keeping everything straight but rather it makes me stop and breathe.

To value where I am standing.  To embrace and inhale, the emotional generosity of the people who have entered, and stayed in my life.  To stop and see, really see, the abundance of love that I have.

To not put limitations on my life but rather expand my view of pleasure. Understanding that every minute, should be lived with kindness and generosity, laughter and love.  

That life is big and powerful, full of risks but ultimately, with a little bit of courage, empowering and uplifting.

And that's what happened when I was having this coffee today.

I took time to sit in that deja vu dreamstate moment that had foretold of this person, and her generosity of Spirit.  Her age old wisdom and her laughter when funny, or not so funny, stuff happened.  Her ability to say the right thing at the right time.  

Or sometimes just nothing at all.

Dive deep.  Fly high.

Wishing you much love and abundance and a truly courageous heart.

T and Spirit
