Characteristics of...








(21st January - 21st February)

The Aquarians are the true Gentlemen (or Ladies) of the Zodiac. The Aquarians are the most helpful people you will ever have the pleasure of coming into contact with. Aquarians are the first people to raise their hands to help you: whether this is helping you to shift house or to cook you dinner to help you get over a broken heart everybody should have an Aquarian friend to help them through the maze the life. Aquarians on the work front need to be in a position of authority to truly get the best out of them. They love to be asked for help and always have a friendly ear for those that just wish to "shoot the breeze". Aquarians love to travel so they actually have facts to back up what they already know. Aquarians need to be constantly challenged and this applies to not only a work environment but also in their love life. Aquarians as lovers are the most romantic people you could wish for. If you are looking for rose petals on the bed, champagne in a bubble bath or just a relaxing back massage then look no further than an Aquarian. The "old fashioned" values are "current" values for Aquarians and considering the state of the world these days you have to love the Aquarians for this. When Aquarians marry they tend to have traditional values and it seems to work surprisingly well for them and their partners. Aquarians do not like to divorce and because of this need to know that their partner is the best one for them, so often leave getting married until a little later than other starsigns. They are faithful, loving committed partners when they do take the plunge and what I love about them is that nothing is ever "too hard" for them. Aquarians are excellent parents as they bring their children up with strong family ethics. They are active participants in their children's school years often being on school committees and involved with their sports. There is a lot we can learn by being involved with an Aquarian: the biggest one being we should never be too busy for the ones we love! Love life, love Aquarians!




