Horse Sense....




I fly out Easter Friday to see Liam and get there Easter Friday!!  

Whcih I have to say is my most favorite day of the year.

Weird, because I'm not religious.  However, it is the only day of the year I don't work.

It's also weird that that is the only day of the year, guaranteed, that people try to fuck up for me.

99.9% of the time it doesn't work.

In fact, get this, I Read for a woman one year because someone I knew well, asked me to as a favour in an urgent situation.

When I asked the woman I read for to pay, she gave me a dud creditcard then said, This is God's way of telling you that you you don't always get paid when you want.  I was sent as your lesson.

I can promise you that if I could have reached down the phone and slapped her, I would have.

I've never Read again on Easter Friday.

I don't care who you are, how urgent you believe it is or how much money you promise me.


Anyway, I love this day and I get to see Liam and Jessie on it.

I'm so unbelievably happy.

Got to say, something weird happened around it though.

Had been holding off on booking tickets since before Christmas due to sales, went to buy Monday and as Spirit is my witness, one thing after another happened, and I couldn't buy them. 

And this went on for days. 

In fact, it got so bad I actually called Liam and said, Hey, weird things are happening here, are you planning on coming home soon?


At 4pm Friday, I spoke to the travel agent and said, Get me on any flight you can.

Not the airline or day I had planned for, however, all booked and paid for within 10 minutes.

Weirdest thing in the Universe.


Az is definitely getting better.

And Soul better, which means we're hitting the DNA kind.

Love that.


And since I have 11 chickens and from just before Christmas, I have been receiving not 10 like normal, but 2 (combined from everyone) eggs a day, I have a new Plan A.

Roughly translated that means I have de-wromed and de-mited again, (although I checked, and everyone was clean) AND removed all the wood shavings and instead put pumice sand in the chook house.

I've heard really good things about it - that it is super clean, great for Dust bathing for the chickens, and smell free.

So all chickies in bed tonight and everyone, apart from Cookie who to be fair, can be a little funny about things, was fine.

Cookie was like, Not going in there...there's stuff...wait...all my family are in

Watch this space.

Do NOT use normal sand or beach sand as it is too fine.

It needs to be the coarser sand.


Sand working amazingly.


And because I work on the theory that you are like me and want to know: What's it look like? Where do you get it? How much does it cost?

It is:

Pictured below.

Landscaping places.

Cost me $25 for 4 bags.  I got 8, only used 4.


Spoke to Liam this morning, it is 7 degrees out,

...and snowing.


Today -4...


And I went down and saw Belles have a bit of a run round on the track today.

They boys and girls have done a beautiful job.

She's a lovely pacer.

Well bloody done.


And I've just realized that no-one ever calls me, Tania.

I'm called, Tarns, T, Liams Mum or Mumma T.


Uh oh...


So that's been our week:

Take what you need, leave the rest, don't be a Fuckwit.

Kissy hugs

Caps, me (T - she/her), Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Rose, Pepper, Marmite, Geraldine, Milli, Bessie, Raz, Sugar, Butter, Cookie and Cinammon. 

Having pronouns in an email signature signals you as an LGBTQIA and/or ally (a person who is not LGBT, but who actively supports the LGBT community)

LGBTQIA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex (a person born with a combination of male and female biological traits) and Asexual (little or no sexual attraction to others)
