Horse Sense....




I'm still pissed I got my ass fired for being exceptional.

I understand not following rules, but to be fair, that's partly on you if you thought, for even one instant, that I would.

But that I got a fantastic end result...and they think I lied.

No, that's not true, the result I got is just so far out of what they expected, that in their world, I had to have lied.

Because they believe that there could be no other explanation.

Honestly, I speak I get into trouble, I don't speak I get into trouble, and I show by actions and I still get into trouble.


Was going to races in Cambridge - flat tyre.


Literally drove in my gate after dropping feed for Boo-ba-licious, and my car went down to 20kms and refused to move any quicker, while blowing big white smoke out the back.

Tow truck, literal Big-Mother-Ass-Tow-Truck had to come and drive it to the mechanics.  

Me thinks Spirit are trying to tell me to: Stand the Fuck still.


My nightmares are horrendous at the moment.

Great.  Can't leave my house AND Demons chasing me.


Spirit are definitely standing with me.

Now I've got diarrhea.  I don't feel sick.  Just having a very intimate relationship with the big white God.


Learning how to do Reflexology.

Super weird because I hate with a passion, feet.

Not just yours, mine too.

I think they are disgusting, and if you remember Fergie and that horrid Toe sucking episode, I literally was trying not to vomit.

Think of kissing someone afterwards...

Anyway, I don't feel like that about any other part of the body, just the feet.

But Spirit are funny about things like this, and to be fair, feet are amazing with how they connect you to the Physical, yet also connect every other body part.

Which is where the Reflexology comes in.

So over the next week or so my goal is to re-learn how to love every part of the body, however, under no circumstances, will there be any toe sucking.


If I look at grass-roots-barest-minimum-no-fake-gold-shite we're doing really well here.

However, if I look at where I should be vs where I end up or anything that even looks as if I am doing any actual movement forward, well, that's a no.

But I understand that sometimes it is a Standing the Fuck Still time not a Movement Forward time.

I also have a sneaky susupicion that shite is going to come to light that I'm not going to like.

Only because Spirit are holding me back so much.

They're stopping me from making a mistake.


And after the last 5 days giagantic cluster-fuck of nothing that I liked, the blockages passed and we're back on track.

To be fair, maybe I hadn't fallen off.

It just really felt like it.

Belles now back in work.  Although to be fair, apparently she has to lose weight before she can actually work.

She's in bloody good nick though.

I also have to say that Mumma and Cappy were not the most well-behaved when this happened, which is kind of funny, because:

a) Cappy is in his 19th year so (normally) his most energetic daily exertion is eating and

b) Mumma doesn't like anyone trying to steal her.  She loves her home here.

So Cappy used up all his Energy for the next 6 months having a bit of a run round and Mumma was being a little trollop, but as previously said, She doesn't like being stolen.

And because I wasn't aware that today was the day, no one had any forewarning of said men turning up.

Everyone was fine in the end, and it just goes to back up what I already knew, Mumma has excellent genes.

Then I got told off because of Belles hooves.

So I talked back.

I'm not having a farrier punching my horses.

Although, noted, Belles hooves really, really did need to be done.

But I'm sick of people judging me, you need to be less-fucking-judgey.

Or keep out of my fucking way.


The Reflexology is working fucking amazingly.

I'm starting to really understand how everything is connecting.

And I swear, hand on hoof, I can actually feel where I'm working, if I shut my eyes and really start travelling.

Which is a whole new kind of awesome.

My sinus's are clearing and the lymphs are draining.


Car had a teensy-tiny motor type thingy that was blocked either going to (or from) the exhaust, which had made everything stop and was the cause of all the smoke.

Car back home and feeling amazing.


So that's been our week:

Take what you need, leave the rest, don't be a Fuckwit.

Kissy hugs

Caps, me (T - she/her), Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Rose, Pepper, Shelley, Marmite, Geraldine, Milli, Bessie, Raz, Sugar, Butter, Cookie and Cinammon. 

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