Horse Sense....




So Belles and I are back to putting on Halter, which could possibly take 3 days.

I now look at it as that Belles is trying to make me a better horsewoman and is going, No, Tarns, you need to learn how to do this properly...

Love.  Love.  Love.


Check out these super cool thingy-ma-bobs!!

You put Essential Oil (I use Lavender) on these wool balls, then put them in the dryer with your wet clothes.

They cut down your drying time by 1/4 to 1/3.

I bought some the other day, and have a dryer that draws the water out, and the drying time is phenomenal.  

Best $32 I've spent in ages.

They are big, mine are the size of a tennis ball.  I've heard you can get smaller. 

I wouldn't, these are perfect.


I am almost 100% sure that laminitis is not directly because of grass.

That's as far as I've got.


Ok, well that Adrenal herbal mix is working for Chew.

I have put up a video on Instagram, where you can see him sprinting like a 2 year old on speed.

Impressive to watch.

He's now off the Adrenal stuff, and I am watching Az like a hawk, as the last thing I need is him acting like that.

Suz is not on it, but she would be the worst with sugar hooves.


So we (Spirit and I) are working very hard with dosages.

That's trying to get it right.

Chew is phenomenal, so I've cut his dosage right down.  

Az is so much better, but I'm slowly working with him, because I don't wish to have him hooning round the house, bucking and jumping with joy like Chew.

I mean, I do, but I don't, if you know what I mean haha.

Suz is now on the Adrenal stuff as it has been shown to work.  

Ralphy poo is not, because he doesn't need it.

None of the big horses are on it, because they don't need it.

Food has also been tweaked again, and that (obviously) will be noticeably helping, as is some European Biotin (which is eye-watering expensive, but awesome) so overall, fingers and hooves crossed, we're doing amazingly.


Halter on.


I am watching my little ones go from strength to strength, it's awesome to watch.


'Tis the season to be checking all your bills/accounts, as you can also rename it, Taking the piss, because I need more money and I think you're a c**t... season.

I find humans so unbelievably tiring some days.


I love how we work here with horses, with the herbs and stuff, but you know, I'm also understanding that your life must have been so very beige before I rocked up.


Liam just got another one of his papers published.

I'm so unbelievably proud of him.


As you are reading this right now, it is 144 days until I physically get on a plane and see Liam again.

I can't wait, my DNA hurts.


OMFG...I ordered today from one of my horse and human wholesalers.

All goods.

Then they called me back, Ummmmmmm...what we charged you for actually expired back in September, but good news, our Quality Controllers have said it's fine and extended the date until December.


You do understand that you, as the middleman, cannot just change the expiry date on a product because you feel like it, right?  The Ministry of Primary Industries are a bit funny about things like that.

But wait, the product they rang me about is what you are buying from the supermarket,

...and eating.


So that's been our week:

Take what you need, leave the rest, don't be a Fuckwit.

Kissy hugs

Caps, me (T - she/her), Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Rose, Pepper, Shelley, Marmite, Geraldine, Milli, Bessie, Raz, Sugar, Butter, Cookie and Cinammon. 

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