Horse Sense....




So you know how proud I was that I had Az's laminits under control?

Works out I was wrong.

I thought I had limited his grass, that he was as sugar free as possible, but no, I'd missed some.

Works out I also gave Chew and Suz a dose, too.

So there Az was all straight legged, ouchy-ouchy.  Chew was a little sore and Suz was of the, Come near me and I'll bite you... which is so not Suz.

Then I ran out of my natural painkiller. 

Mostly because I dropped the bloody bottle in the paddock when Chew nudged me at the wrong time, and lost 3/4 of the bottle.

Urgent courier not delivered in urgent time.

So I tried another herb, but used the wrong one, and made everything worse.

Honestly, a giagantic clusterfuck of mammoth proportions.

We will be back on track soon, I went back to slowing the body down and power feeding, which is a recipe for success every single time.

As long as NO bloody Soy, because, and repeat after me, Soy mimics Estrogen.  Estrogen makes the body MORE SENSITIVE.


Using a new Adaptagen herb liquid blend, working on the theory that I've tried most other things so I must be looking in the wrong direction.

So maybe the Adrenal glands are not working as they should.

I do have to say that I found it by mistake, ie: was looking for myself, but when I took it, gave me the result I wanted then I started thinking outside the square, not the other way round.

Anyway, Voila! Gave it to the little ones this morning.

Always a bit of a hit and miss though, considering I am guessing on dosages.

However, I did Google first to make sure nothing that was in it would kill the horses.

All sweet haha.

This afternoon everyone was prettty happy, although farrier had been so hooves had also been trimmed.

Mumma, I might add, was being a bit of a princess, prancing round the place, giving a few nickers, gently reminding me that, No how, no way was that farrier touching these hooves.

I heard, Mumma bear...


So this Adaptogen herbal mixture is a bit crazy.

For a start, it's not made for horses, so with that alone, I'm walking that singular journey with no rule book.

I'm guessing on dosages, how often and what time of day is best - and I've got nothing to base anything on, apart from: Are the horses getting better?

Suz - I'm on the fence with.

Chew - this blend has worked exceptionally well for.

Ralphy poo - does not, nor has ever had, laminitis.

Az - I'm not sure.

He looks better, but I don't just look at physical first level, I am multi-levelled when I work.

And we're working from the outside in.

Good:  Az walked round the house today.

Con:  Then he naps.

But when I look at how adaptogens work, especially around the adrenals, I would expect to eat more and rest way more.

The body needs to eat lots of vitamins and minerals (at different times, in different feeds, so the vitamins and minerals do no react negatively together) to recharge, and then the body needs to sleep/nap to grow strong.

Still freaks me the fuck out though.

However, it has brought up lots more questions like:

If horses that are stabled get laminitis, then how can it be the grass causing it?

What if laminitis is "Stress"?  The adrenals get over-worked, the body goes into chaos, and then the grass avalanches it?  

Like the grass is not the original sin, it is the added extra.  Like sugar to an ADHD child.  ADHD is the issue, sugar takes it to a whole new level.  

Are there different types of laminitis?

Can you permanently cure laminitis?

This one was quite interesting because I thought of a heart attack.  You don't stay Heart-attacky.  You are more suspectible to heart attacks, after you have had one, but you don't live in that space.

Nor do you ever have to have another one again.

Horses die from laminitis.  Why?

I'm told that horses should be stabled and not moved.

That's not how we work here.  My horses consistently move and LOVE being able to roam around the driveway and house. 

It works really well for them.

Not one person has ever said that laminitis can be cured.  At best, they say it can be, if you are extremely lucky, managed.

Which I totally, 100%, do not agree with.

But then again, everyone says it's the food/grass which causes it.

What if it's not?


And Miss Houdini has lost her halter once again.

So Belles, where is your halter?

And she looks at me with her big brown eyes all mooshie like, I's don't know, Tarns.  One minute there, next, Poof!


We are getting exponential results with Chew with the adaptogen herbs.

However, my oil drops turned up so I flicked back to them, dropping the adaptogens for a while, and everyone has exponentially improved.

Az is noticeably better, Suz (although she is the slowest), and Chew who is literally acting like a 2 year old on speed.  

He is high kicking and bucking and having the best time.

So I believe the adaptogens are working, but I've got everything round the wrong way.

The oil drops are the immediate best, but the root cause I believe, is the adrenals are not working as they should do, which is why we can't fully kick the laminitis.

However, if I start working with the adrenals with the adaptogen herbs, things should internally start working as they should.

I tell you what though, the herbal mixtures sold for horses are 1/3 of the strengh (and quality) and 3x the price of the human herbs.

I'm pretty sure that's half the fucking problem with horses and herbs.

I'm glad we don't use the horse type stuff.


I'm finding it very hard to keep my shite at the moment.

Mostly because peeps have been tapped with the Stupid Stick.

Well, that's not 100% true.  

They actually think that I'm that thick.

It is taking everything I have not to say, Do I have c**t written on my forehead?

Don't be those peeps.


Spoke to one of my favorite Vet peeps today, we're going to do bloods on a weekly basis for the next month.

We're getting results that we shouldn't, so we're going to track the bloods and see how.

It would be nice to get success because we know, rather than what's happening right now on a, I've got fuzzy hands, basis.

Hand on hoof, true story.


So that's been our week:

Take what you need, leave the rest, don't be a Fuckwit.

Kissy hugs

Caps, me (T - she/her), Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Rose, Pepper, Shelley, Marmite, Geraldine, Milli, Bessie, Raz, Sugar, Butter, Cookie and Cinammon. 

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