Horse Sense....




So the storm that they were scaring us with didn't eventuate here.

In fact, we got a small amount of rain, not even something that could, even by the most optimistic of peeps, be called a storm.

All the little ones got jackets on though.  Az because he is a bit light at the moment and Chew because well, it doesn't look like Summer. 

And he's a bit precious about his jacket.

I am, fingers crossed, feeling very positive about hot, super sunny weather in the coming days though.  

Honestly, if I actually think that this is Summer and Blink and I've missed it, I will literally go into a corner and sulk.


Boo-ba-licious did another baby training today.

Came third out of three.

Started off really well and then got a bit, Meh! I don't think so...  Which is not like him. 

Actually, if I'm being honest, it can be a bit like him.  He knows his shite and will try and pull one over you if you let him.

However, the Energy is super fucked at the moment and the weather is horrid.  Not raining and storming, just Meh! 

However, last baby trials (and please forgive me if I get this wrong, as I'm only learning about times) was (going round left) 2.17. 

Today (right) winners time was 2.12.  Last 800 metres 61.2, and last 400 metres 28 seconds.  

Wait until Boss man gets back.  He won't be putting up with any kind of this Meh! shite though.

But overall, I'm happy with where he is going.  

He is only a baby, we know he can run, and we all work as a team because we recognize that he is an elite athlete, so it's not just a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am kind of scenario. 

It's a work in progress, but it's also a huge amount of fun for me.

I'm super interested in the next baby races.


OMFG I slept in until 10.17 this morning!

I missed breakfast, phone calls, text messages and two (2) couriers.

To be fair, something internal might have been happening as I've been mucking round with new stuff again, and as much as two of the things I tried were fine, the third one, as I was making the broth, I did think, Yeah, I'm not too sure about that smell...

Haha guess I should have listened.


Think I've almost got Az sorted.

Not 100% mind, but we're doing ok.


I knew it!!

The Ph balance of my (and your) body should sit at 7.35 to 7.45.

Back to the drawing board with food.


Definitely thrown something out.

I was doing so well with my hair and now my scalp is super itchy for no reason.

Well, obviously for a reason, but nothing which should be out.

I think it's (fingers crossed and holding my breath) the conditioner bar.  So back to the Rosemary tea to rebalance, and have just ordered new stuff for kids.  

I always used to use the kids stuff, it has way less chemicals in it and I never used to react to anything in them.  So using the same ethical company just back to the kids stuff.

Also, found a really great "Purple shampoo" bar, with the same ethical company.  Would be really nice to not have yellow hair.

Could also be that the strawberries I bought were not spray free and I've reacted to that.  

It also could be that I have Hard Water here.

Or the hairspray that I used twice (2) last week, yet haven't in almost two months.

Possibly that I stopped using the Rosemary tea because, wait for hair was fine.

To be fair, it could be anything.

Overall though, I'm pretty happy with my results.  Still needs a few tweaks but to be fair, so do quite a few things at the moment.  

People have got sloppy and need to understand that what they charge me for needs to be what they actually supply.

Honestly, it's not fucking rocket science.

Anyway, as I'm writing this, I have the most stunning tan and a new Plan A.

Go me!


So apparently it is not ok to use the phrase, Which skanky ass trainer came in and bought all the food from under me?

To be fair, I had checked that the feed company had enough food for me when I had previously bought, and the answer had been, We don't sell much of it, we've got heaps.  No problem.

So you can understand my muppety-ness when I rocked up to buy some and some wanky ass trainer had bought ALL 24 bags from under me.

Then I got quoted the privacy act when I wanted to know the shady fucks name.

Well, I always like to know who is following me re food.  I mean, you can't be me, but I always try to stay one step ahead, and at least know who is trying.

In having said that though, he might just possibly have done me a massive favour.

I had to change feeds, and when I got home I realized that the new feed could quite possibly be better than what I had been feeding.  

I will have to wait and see for a few days first, but it is looking that it might be quite fantastic.

Clearing the store on me was a highly intelligent move, but you're still a shady ass fuck. 

Game on.


Kissy hugs

Caps, me (T - she/her), Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Chuck, Rose, Pepper, Shelley, Marmite, Geraldine, Milli, Bessie, Raz, Sugar, Butter, Cookie and Cinammon, and the cows, Mickey, Mikey and Moose.

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