Horse Sense....




Chew loves this new product and has taken to hanging round nonchalantly, but is willing to break out into a run if he thinks someone will beat him to it.

Az, my little cutie, will eat it out of my hand, Suz is a bit Meh! about it, and Ralphy does like it, but not as much as Chew and Az.

Cappy not so much, Mumma is pretty Meh! but Belle is keen.

Now I'm working on what time of the day is best.


And literally every single tree I put in a pot on our deck, is growing.

Every morning I wake up and go out, and another tree has sprouted, got new leaves and/or is blossoming.

It's the most magickal thing, it's strange and very beautiful. 

I expected success, well, I always expect success, but this, this is something else.


Bloody told you!

In the NZ Herald today 23rd September, 2022:

The Republicans have put forward a proposal to ban abortion nationwide after 15 weeks.

But wait:

The White House said the Republican proposal could have a chilling effect, with the prospect of doctors unwilling to care for patients any more. Doctors could also face criminal charges for performing an abortion to safeguard the health of the mother, offering miscarriage care, providing an abortion to a pregnant woman whose baby has no chance of survival, or treating a rape victim who has not fully completed reporting requirements.


Finally got to the races again tonight.

I'm not going to whinge and say how much time, effort and Energy it took me to get there, I'm just grateful I did.

Lots of things are different, but in a better way, and some are still the same.  However, I still take it as a personal fucking insult to me and my work, when I see people getting fucked over.

As I'm writing this though Spirit are tapping me on the shoulder going, This is not your business and it has nothing to do with you, so you need to shut your mouth and walk away.

They're right.  It's not and I will.

It still annoys the snot out of me though.

Anyway, it is the weirdest thing in the Universe though to realize what I started with (nothing - that's literally, not, not as much as other people) and that I now have two (2) race horses who (fingers and hooves crossed) everyone expects to race, and race well.

It is a quite mind blowing experience which I am still trying to get my head round.

And my horses were all waiting for me when I got home.

I fucking love that.


So there's a teensy, tiny article on Stuff (22nd September, 2022) re add on on GST on 250 different industries.  Ones that so far are not paying GST for one reason or another.  

These include the likes of fees paid to government agencies for the renewal of a licence or registration, or industry charges where business owners pay to fund a represnetative organisation or regulator.  It also introduces GST for Airbnb, Uber and fruit pickers.  

The Bill also clarifies that any charges that are payable because of a law or regulation will attract GST.

It is proposed that the rule change will take effect for new charges that come into force after July 1 next year, and all other charges in 2026.

The Taxation (Annual Rates for 2022-2023 Platform Economy, and Remedial Matters) Bill is working its way through Parliament as I'm writing this.

But wait...

A spokesman for Revenue Minister David Parker said the change was not forecast to raise any extra revenue.


I fucking told you.

Recession not recession.

But wait...

Westpac (if you're a special customer) have just raised their rates to 5.65%, and for those who aren't, 6.25%.


So two quick questions for you:

1) Since when has the PM (whether you agree with her or not) been relegated to second,

NZ Herald, 26th September, 2022, on the Queen's Memorial,

A national minute of silence was held before Reverend Katie Lawrence welcomed Dame Cindy Kiro, Jacinda Ardern, the speaker and others to the service with an opening prayer.

2) Since when has New Zealand EVER been referred to as:

"The queen visited Aotearoa nz ten times first in 1953, during which she laid this cathedrals foundation stone, and finally during her golden jubilee in 2002," she said.


And Belles and Cappy had Birthdays this week!

Belles turned 3 and Cappy 15.


Now everyone is loving this product and it's taken as an add on for breakfast.


So that's been our week:

It's been strange, and a little eerie, and super filled with Spirit of all kinds (just the good ones though).  

So we're just running with everything here, taking massive time out's when we can.  Think: Two weeks holidays in the sun, squished into an hour 45, but overall finding a weird kind of peace.

And lots of horsey love.

Kissy hugs

Caps, me (T - she/her), Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Chuck, Rose, Pepper, Shelley, Marmite, Geraldine, Milli, Bessie, Raz, Sugar, Butter, Cookie and Cinammon, and the cows, Mickey, Mikey and Moose.

Having pronouns in an email signature signals you as an LGBTQIA and/or ally (a person who is not LGBT, but who actively supports the LGBT community)

LGBTQIA – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex (a person born with a combination of male and female biological traits) and Asexual (little or no sexual attraction to others)
