Horse Sense....




I'm loving this Seed and Nut cycling.  

It is just so bloody cool.

It's super interesting and completely taking charge of how you live, love and feel Energetically is just awesome.  Talk about taking back your power.

It got slightly tricky around my cyle where I both get and don't get my period. 

Let me clarify:  I had a hysterectomy when I was 40 which means NO utereus therefore NO periods, but I still get every symptom of having a period.  It is the weirdest thing in the Universe.

It actually makes things super good while working with my cycle as I get all the good and none of the bad, however, working with the nuts and seeds I just have to take a step back and re-look again.

That's actually what I'm finding the most interesting, tapping into what my body actually needs to function at full capacity.

Take away all thoughts of good food, bad food and what you have left is choice.  

How am I currently feeling?

How do I want to feel?

I tell you what, it's completely changed my whole concept re food.  

There have been two side effects which I didn't anticipate:

1) I am having absolutely no side effects re my age, which by rights I should be. 

Age wise I should be putting on weight, depresssion, anxiety (well, no more and often less than normal), mood swings and/or hot flushes.


2) I'm not putting up with any shite.

Not that I normally do, but my mind is clear and my Energy is high, and through that, it is easier and smoother to have boundaries and keep them. 

Interesting times.


I love my Faverolles, they are like this super cool, very funky gang.

Where one is, the others are, they speak differently, consistently chat away to each other and refuse, that's absolutely refuse to hang out with the other chickens.

I want a whole farm of Faverolles.


And I've got Boo-ba-licious sorted.

I went down and saw my friend today, who was very accommodating.

And she knows her stuff, so I could happily chat away to her.

She did try and go a bit Science-y on me, but I put up my hand and went, Simple... and she came back to basics.

Food excellent.

Grass good.

Paddocks good.

Friends good.

Either worms or an ulcer.

How would he have an ulcer?

Stress. don't... then I remembered the broken stables episode and Mumma bitch slapping him round the paddock.

Ok, maybe... 

But it worked out that I already had started Power Feeding 48 hours ago, so that took care of that issue.

Then we were back to bloody worms again.

But Boo-ba-licious had been wormed before he came home 3 ish weeks ago.

My friend gave me more advice re worms that refused to move out, and the wormer that I needed to get rid of those that wouldn't leave.

I came home and popped the wormer into Boo-ba-licious's feed and fed everyone out.

Then stood there watching.

To be fair, Boo-ba-licious was like, Ummmmmmm....this tastes a bit funny... but since Mumma and Cappy were right next to him eating their snack, and he had watched me do the same feed that I always do, he did his horsey shrug and ate everything.

Cappy did come over for a look-see but poked his nose in, then looked at me with disappointed eyes, Oh Tarns...

I gave him the Death Stare and told him to stop judging me.

Anyway, Boo-ba-licious all wormed again, and I expect within 3 days for him to look as fantastic as all my other babies.

A bloody brilliant end result. 


Ok, we've had an interesting result from one of the seeds here.

I've been dropping 500-600 calories a day, which is awesome and everything was working fine and then Hello! I started putting on weight again.  Not eating more, just putting on weight.  

But, I also got frisky.  Like seriously frisky.  And the orgasms were mindblowing.

Uh oh.

So, this seed that has NO talk of estrogen properties, does.  

I have said for years that there is a direct link to friskiness (unbelievable friskiness not just average normal friskiness) and weight gain.  

So that seed is off the menu for the time being.

Although it is particularly good for conditioning and stress, and I can see why I get fantastic results from it. 

To be fair though, as much as I took a sideways step with it, it did have some quite fantastic side effects.

But it also tells me that I need to be cleverer with when I use it, which part of the cycle, and for how long.

This seed is extremely similiar to Kanuka, but very different though.  Up to this exact moment, I would have thought that they had nothing in common.

Which is quite obviously untrue.

They have the same family genes.


And there I was picking up stuff today, and was having a wander round seeing if there was anything else I might like and Hello! there was a product I had been looking to source since forever.

Just sitting on the shelf in front of me.

And I can get it in bulk.  Super bulk actually.

I'm a very happy girl right now.


And Boo-ba-licious is back on track again.

I don't know whether it was the Power Feeding or the worming, but Boo-ba-licious is looking a-maz-ing.

I'm glad I spoke to my friend.  

We got a result, I know why we got a result, I know how we got a result and I know how to fix this if it happens again.

That's bloody awesome.


And Belle's getting bloods done.

The products that I use are new for the horses, so we are always working in new territory, especially around what's banned and not. 

And doseages.

So the only way to get around this is to use the doesages I use and get bloods done once a week for the next 3 weeks.  

It has to be for 3 weeks because we need to know that the same product gives us the same result, no matter where Belle is in her cycle.

Thank fuck our Vet is so pro our Natural Way, she is super supportive of us, and it works for her too.  As it will for you too, when you get yourself organised.

You're welcome.


More stuff that you don't want to know about re Soy:

Many of soy’s health benefits have been linked to isoflavones—plant compounds that mimic estrogen. But animal studies suggest that eating large amounts of those estrogenic compounds might reduce fertility in women, trigger premature puberty and disrupt development of fetuses and children.

“We know that too much genistein is not a good thing for a developing mouse; it may not be a good thing for a developing child,” said Retha Newbold, a developmental biologist at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. More definitive answers, she said, may lay ahead in future long-term human studies.

Soy consumption in the U.S. has skyrocketed since the early 1990s, with soy food sales climbing from $300 million in 1992 to over $4 billion in 2008. Clinical studies have shown that eating soy can lower cholesterol as well as the risk for certain types of breast and prostate cancer.

But Newbold and other researchers are not convinced that eating more soy is healthy for everyone. Infants fed soy formula ingest six to 11 times more genistein on a bodyweight basis than the level known to cause hormonal effects in adults.

“Giving an infant or child estrogen is never a good thing,” said Newbold.

Though studies on the harmful effects of soy isoflavones in people have been limited and inconclusive, there’s strong evidence from animal studies that genistein alters reproduction and embryonic development, according to Newbold, a co-author of two of the new rodent studies.

In some lab studies, animals were fed doses similar to what people might get from a high-soy diet, which would be roughly 25 or more grams per day. Blood levels of genistein in people eating a lot of soy are generally in the range of one to five micromoles, or about one milligram of genistein circulating in the body of an average adult.

One study showed that genistein led to reduced fertility and abnormal embryo development in female mice. They were fed one to ten micromoles in their drinking water for four days. The highest doses were associated with fewer eggs that were successfully fertilized and increased cell death in developing embryos. Wen-Hsiung Chan at Chung Yuan Christian University in Taiwan conducted the study, which was published in July in the journal Reproductive Toxicology.

In another study, young female rats were fed high, medium, or low doses of genistein. Those fed the largest quantities from birth to weaning had reproductive effects later, including early puberty and irregular estrous cycles (similar to the menstrual cycle in humans). High doses also led to smaller litters.

The rats were tested before and during pregnancy, and then several generations of their offspring were examined. The study, by a team including Newbold and Barry Delclos of the National Center for Toxicological Research, was published in the journal in April.

In male rats, high doses led to abnormal growth of breast cells, but did not cause cancer or the feminization of reproductive organs, according to another study by Newbold and others published in November.

In those two studies, the rodents were fed at least five times more genistein than the amount that people would be exposed to through food, supplements or infant formula. Such a high dose was used because they wanted to test the effects of the maximum amount that could be ingested by the rats without severely limiting their ability to reproduce.

The growing body of research in recent years raises questions about possible risks to women trying to get pregnant, as well as to developing fetuses and infants who consume large amounts of genistein in formula, some researchers said.

The findings trouble Heather Patisaul, a developmental biologist at North Carolina State University, and others who study soy's impact on development.

“Our reproductive system and the rat reproductive system aren’t that different. The same hormones are involved," Patisaul said.

While any impacts on adult fertility are likely reversed by eating less soy, impacts on the reproductive tracts of infants could be permanent.

But to date, only one study has looked at the long-term effects of soy formula on reproductive development in people. It found that women fed soy formula as infants had slightly longer periods and more menstrual cramping than those who were not fed soy formula.

Brain development, which begins in the womb and continues through puberty, also may be altered by estrogen in soy, Patisaul said. It is controlled by a well-organized combination of genes and hormones. Introducing compounds that mimic estrogen could throw off the balance, with long-term impacts on behavior and brain chemistry.

Studying the health outcomes of fetal or early infant exposure can be difficult, according to Benson Akingbemi, a developmental biologist at Auburn University. Reproductive changes are often not apparent until adulthood.

Read the full article here:'s%20health%20benefits,development%20of%20fetuses%20and%20children

Or this article:

Ovarian function in adults is controlled by hormones circulating in the body. The primary hormone responsible for cyclicity in animals and humans is estrogen. Estrogen is mostly produced in the ovary and enters the circulation where it then signals the brain for a response. The parts of the brain that controls reproductive hormones are the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. Estrogen stimulates the hypothalamus to produce gonadotropin releasing hormone, which in turn signals the anterior pituitary to produce follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. These hormones enter the circulation and signal the ovary to ovulate. Substances with estrogenic activity can potentially interfere with this signaling if levels of activity are sufficient to cause a response. Soy foods contain estrogenic substances called phytoestrogens. The predominant phytoestrogens found in soy are genistein and daidzein. The female reproductive system is dependent on hormones for proper function and phytoestrogens at very high levels can interfere with this process.

Read the full article here:

Or this article:

Dysmenorrhea in women, mild change of gender roles in girls and gynecomastia in a man consuming soy products have been reported [2,6,7]. A cross-sectional study of 11,688 women showed that abundant intake of soy isoflavones was associated with an increased risk of lifetime nulliparity and nulligravidity [8]. An association between soy exposure and early menarche was reported [9].

Experimental data demonstrate that soy isoflavones, also at doses and concentrations observable in humans including infants, can influence neuroendocrine pathways in animals of both sexes. Relevant doses of PhE have an impact on the differentiation of ovaries and fertility in animals [2,10,11]. Alterations of male sexual development and deficits of sexual behavior were noticed in rats and rabbits [12,13]. Moreover, some PhE e.g. genistein (present in soy) can exert androgenic effects [14], which is not surprising as PhE are plant substances with accidental similarity to human hormones, so that their effects are a priori unpredictable.

It was suggested that PhE are estrogen receptor modulators thus being different from estrogens [15]. It is questionable, however, whether such modulations, also called endocrine disruption [2,16], are favorable for soy consumers, especially at a young age. Perinatal period, infancy, childhood and puberty are critical periods during which maturing systems are particularly sensitive to hormonal disruptions [16]. As global soy consumption increases, greater awareness and consideration of the endocrine-disrupting properties of soy by nutrition specialists and other health practitioners are needed. Parents should be aware of possible estrogenic effects if they choose to feed their infants with soy-based formulas [2]. More details are in [17].

Read the full article here:

** And wait...A well known feed company has now changed some of it's packaging so instead of saying it has soy, it now has, Micronised beans.

No talk of soy anywhere on the packaging at all.

So let me ask you a question:

If soy is ok why is the company lying about it?


So that's been our week:

If there has been one repeat phrase from Spirit it has been, Go back and do it again... 

And they've been right.  It's not been about just getting a result, they want me to know why, what caused it, how to fix it. 

But we're way past the average every day experience now, Spirit are guiding us to tweak, fine tune, then fine tune again.  

To get into the Soul of things.

It has been quite phenomenal.

And every time I get it right, then more right, something inside me sparks and grows bigger and stronger and brighter within me.

Big kissy hugs 

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Chuck, Rose, Pepper, Lily, Shelley, Marmite, Geraldine, Milli, Bessie, Raz, Sugar, Butter, Cookie and Cinammon, and the cows, Mickey, Mikey and Moose.


Funniest thing in the Universe...Mumma has got Cappy my TB, to now pace.  

Come snack after dinner time, Mumma, Cappy and Boo-ba-licious are all pacing up to the house.

In sync.