Horse Sense....




Vaccine's for 5 year olds just got approved.

I bloody told you so.


So who saw our lovely He-who-know-everything-Dr-Bloomfield saying that we may go back into lockdown due to Orcon? or my favorite, Damn who didn't see this coming...

The vaccine that apparently 90% of New Zealanders are vaxed with, is only 40% effective against Orcon, however if you get the booster shot then you will be 80% protected.

And they've brought it forward by 3 months.

Jezus Fuck in pajamas.

Oh c'mon, y'all.


A child between 0 to 9 years old has just died of Covid.

No other information was given.

No matter what, the passing of a child is the worst thing in the world that can happen to a parent.


So now Mumma Pepper and Mumma Marmite have decided that, Yes, they would like to be stay-in-the-home chickens, thank you very much.

No.  Just no.

I'm still only getting 4 or 5 eggs a day and now Mumma Pepper and Mumma Marmite are refusing to lay any eggs at all.

How they are keeping them in is beyond me?

Anyhou, they're going outside tomorrow, back with the other chickies, but if they are back to naughty, then I will look at a new Plan A which is a big netting fence surrounding the chickie house until everyone lays eggs for me again.

Hopefully, fingers and hooves crossed, we'll be back to 10 to 12 eggs a day in the forseeable future.


Saturday the 18th December, 2021, NZ Herald:

A health expert is urging anyone with chest discomfort to seek medical help after an autopsy report said it was likely the 26 year old Dunedin man who died of a very rare heart condition on November 17, was caused by the Covid 19 jab.  

And on the same day, same paper, regarding the tragic death of a child (above) from Covid.

In a statement, the Ministry of Health said the child under the age of 10 died earlier this week and tested positive for Covid after dying.

The child was a contact of an identified case but was not a known Covid-19 case before the time of death.

"For privacy reasons, and out of respect for the family, no further information will be provided at this time," the spokesperson said.

And my favourite ever quote, same day, same paper:

Recorded Covid deaths include all cases where a person was classified as having an active case of the virus at the time of death. In some of these cases, the underlying cause of death may have been unrelated to Covid-19.

I have never been more ashamed to be a New Zealander.


So I popped Mumma Pepper and Mumma Marmite outside today, and within seconds of letting the other chickies out they were all crowded together with Mumma Pepper holding court:

And then this happened....then we did this....Tarns, I said, No! ....and then she picked me up...the cheek of her...

All complete with fluffing of tail feathers, a little dance to show exactly what had happened, when, and in which way, and I'm pretty sure I saw a beak roll.


And Boo-ba-licious is feeling amazing.

He's wandering around the place being ten foot tall and bulletproof.



So I decided to do a detox.

All new stuff, no, that's not right, stuff I use in all kinds of different ways, just not this one, and I've kind of overdosed a bit.  

Well, that's not actually true.  I used two different things in two different ways, so as I'm writing this I could do with a nap, so, you know, the combination and quite possibly the doseage, is wrong.

However, one has had a surprising result.

Which is kind of odd because I've used this stuff for years, and it never even crossed my mind that it might be used for anything apart from what I do.

That's why I love this, it's a constant journey of movement.


I've heard through sources that the child that died of Covid, died of Domestic Violence injuries first.

I hope, more than you can know, that this is not true.


So that's been our week:

Horses are happy, I'm happy, chickens are mostly happy and we all think the rest of the world has gone absolutely-batshite-un-fucking-believable crazy.

But remember, we love you vaxed-unvaxed-or anything-in-between and wish you, your horses, and any and all fur babies you have, a kick ass Christmas and an awesome start to 2022, Year of the Tiger.

Big kissy hugs 

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Chuck, Rose, Petal, Kai-Anne, Pepper, Lily, Shelley, Ossie, Marmite and Geraldine.


Food this week is, as I'm writing:

Pic's Smooth Peanut Butter, Vogel's Mixed Grain, butter, egg yolks - I can eat 4 at a time, although the whites want to make me vomit, avocado's, lemons, peppermint tea, Peanut M and M's, bananas, and the odd bit of Peanut Butter Fudge.

No chicken, salmon, meat, potatoes, vegetables, fruit etc.  Just that.  But a lot of it.

However, I'm sleeping amazingly, I wake up refreshed and I'm looking great...

** We have so much Spirit here the stereo is constantly turning itself on and playing, which is both super amazingly cool and freaking me the fuck right out.

*** I am never, ever, ever having another Christmas without my son.

It has been 505 days since I have hugged him as I am writing this, which is 1 year, 4 months and 18 days.

My DNA hurts.