Horse Sense....




Belle's baby Daddy colt just won again.

It is just so cool that the colts are winning.   And yes, I am aware that I have a filly, not a colt, but you know what, I love that Belle's baby Daddy babies are winning.

That's it.

It's just so fucking cool.


You know, Suz has turned into a really fantastic horse.

Well, to be fair, she was always a great horse, it was the humans that let the side down.  But anyhou, Suz comes over now and holds a conversation.  To be honest, she doesn't chat like Mumma or Cappy, or even Ralphy poo, but she talks in a quiet and introspective way.  

We have no problem with our farrier, although he is a real sweetheart, she sort of likes being touched, loves her banana, understands what I want and mostly provides it, and her fear of humans has almost disappeared.  Maybe it will linger in her DNA forever, but Suz doesn't carry it round like a backpack anymore.

That, out of everything that we have accomplished, is the real win.


And we had another lesson today with Mumma.

I love how our time has evolved.  Because we had a vague idea of what I wanted, but were extremely flexible, our lessons have found a fluidity which is inspiring.  We can see where Mumma and I have done really well, and have awesome trust, and where there are great glaring holes with me like, OMG, you're so unco..."

So Mumma and I are learning from a place of trust.  Which is unbelievably cool.

I'm still having issues separating 3 horses though.  Not because they are naughty, but because of my lack of knowledge.  And they all want to play so are pushing and shoving, which does nothing for my anxiety.

However, today I fed Mumma breakfast in Welcome Paddock, I called and she came (eventually, as first it was Belle going, Me!  Me!  I'm here! which was not helpful), then I scooted up and fed Belle and Cappy in the paddock two over (all gates open) then scooted back and shut the Welcome Paddock top gate.  

When Mumma had finished feeding and me making up the nighttime feeds, I went into the Welcome Paddock, called her and pointed and she walked over and straight into the stable and then positioned herself for hoof clean and groom.

That's fucking awesome.

You know there are times like this morning when I want to go, Did you just see that?  Did you see how clever that damn horse is?

I get excited because again I see how horses communicate with humans, when given the opportunity.

If you ask me how much do horses understand of the human language, I would say almost 100%.  But their first language isn't the human language.  

Let me explain:

When I introduce a new food, herb or vitamin, I tell them what it is.  When I am making up the feeds, the horses can "call" me and tell me what they want.  However, they can't do this unless I physically give them the name.  

How do I know what they want?

It's like a word that appears in my brain.  Like a word balloon or sometimes it's a smell.  Or I get a taste in my mouth.  Sometimes I get a picture.

Think of an old fashioned radio though, ones with dials, then think of the crackle while you are trying to get a station, then Boom! crystal clear clarity.  

That's the only way that I can describe it.  

It's not physical words, it's frequency, and when you are on the right frequency it doesn't matter whether you are speaking Chinese, English, Russian, Afrikaans or Xhosa, the language doesn't matter, the words are all the same.

Like an International, inter-species translator.  

I love this journey.


I have to talk about this and unfortunately, since I absolutely refuse to scare pregnant women, it has to be here.

The NZ Government has admitted the vax is causing miscarriages (although only officially admitting 17 cases directly caused by the vax), NZ Herald 25th November, 2021 at 5.56pm, yet is still saying, Medsafe is continuing to reassure women there is no increased risk for pregnant Mum-sto-be.  

I think the babies might disagree.

But what's happening to the babies that didn't miscarry?  And before you go all Rambo on me, I'm heartsore for any woman that loses a baby, no matter what the reason.

Well, guaranteed 2, possibly 3 years from now, a fair whack of those babies that were jabbed when in the womb, will develop a new strain/version of Aspergers or Autism or another form of "Different-ness" that we don't know of right now.

And 100% guaranteed, it won't be put down to the jab.

100%, absolutely, 3 years before this happens, I am telling you that it is directly related, and not only that, it is the actual cause.

Sometimes this work breaks my heart.


As of this Friday, 3rd December, you cannot enter any ractrack or attend any race trials unless you have been double vaxed.

Looks like life is going to get a bit interesting.


Cows not coming until next week now.


Sunday, 28th November, 2021 - New Zealand Herald.

The article written by Sir Ian Taylor is scary.  It was an open letter written to the PM which brings up some serious, and as I said, very scary issues like:

Is it true that instead of contracting the alternative Kiwi solution, as you have done with the Canadian option, you are backing legislation going through Parliament that will give you the power to simply nationalise the IP of this Kiwi company, at a price you will determine?


Why has an alternative saliva PCR test that you awarded the same Canadian company for $60 million been abandoned?


What is your response to the Auditor-General's questioning of the process you undertook in the awarding of this contract with regard to the potential conflicts of interest of four out of the five panellists who awarded the contract?


There is another kiwi PCR test that has received millions in funding from the US Government that can deliver a result in 27 minutes.  Why haven't you accepted their offer to trail this system in an MIQ facility where they can gather valuable evidence of their effectiveness alongside your current five day turnaround product?

These are big fucking issues and ones that no matter where you stand on the vax-no-vax issue, need to be talked about and answered.


As I'm writing this, you are now eligible for your first Booster shot.

The first of 5 that are coming up.

In all the thousands of years that we have lived, we have never had a Vax that worked this way.

Aren't you just a teensy bit, This doesn't feel right...concerned?  And forgive me for being a little, dog-bone here, but every single person over the age of 80 (and younger) if they have lived in a Rest Home, who has died, has been double jabbed. 

And we know this because every single resident, in every single rest home, in all of New Zealand, has had to have been, by law, for almost a year.


The bloody hens are hiding eggs again.

We're down to 5 a day again, which is super annoying.

On a funny note though, on the eggs I am getting, Marmite and Pepper are consistently sitting on them.  And as we have also spoken about before, Pepper is a cow and a half with me trying to get them out from under her, but I've found a way...

You slip your hand under her bottom, wriggle it around and then kind of lift your hand up so her tail is in the air and her beak almost touching the ground. 

Apparently, she has to work so hard to keep her balance that she has to stop pecking at me.

Bloody awesome the stuff you find out.


So that's been our week:

We've gone back to basics again, I've shut the house down and am just focussing on horses, Spirit and well, more horses and more Spirit with the odd chicken thrown in to keep things interesting.

Big kissy hugs 

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Chuck, Rose, Petal, Kai-Anne, Pepper, Lily, Shelley, Ossie, Marmite and Geraldine.
