Horse Sense....




Oh My Fucking God.

I swear, hand on hoof, I only took my eye off Mumma for a nano-second and there she was trying to take over the bloody herd.


The God Mumma Part 3.

But all jokes aside, Mumma is back in full condition.

Boo-ba-licious must have been taking a lot out of her while he was still drinking milk, because she looks bloody fantastic now.

And obviously feels it.

And I only realized it, when I saw Cappy in the paddock over from the Welcome Paddock.

And that's not right, he always hangs out in the Welcome Paddock.

Then Belle was down by the new fence.  Then I realized that Mumma was standing at the gate to the Welcome Paddock blocking it so no one could come in.

Then I doubly realized that she had been biting Belle and giving her some hideous marks.  Well, to be fair, I knew she had been giving her a few bites but honestly, she must have scared Cappy too, because he just moved paddocks and refused to come up.

Once I realized what had happened Mumma and I had a little chat, which consisted of:

You better not be being mean to Cappy.  He's my Number 1 horse and if you are doing bad things, you and I have an issue. 

Biiiiiiiiiiigggggggg trouble in Little China, baby.  


I expect Cappy back up here at dinner tonight and in the Welcome Paddock by tomorrow morning, otherwise I will put him in there for the next few days and you will be banished from there. 

I will literally lock you out. 

I am telling you right now that it is your responsiblity to look after him.  So you need to get yourself sorted.

Switch to this afternoon. 

I go to feed out and Hello! Mumma up, Belle up, Cappy two paddocks over.

I say to Mumma, You go and get Cappy right now and bring him up.  

This is where it gets a bit weird, so just work with me here, the next minute Belle trots off down the paddock, then another paddock, turns left and goes up to Cappy.  Waits.  Then both Belle and Cappy come up together.

Cappy and I have a little chit chat, feed, and a little Touch/play while Mumma looked on.

It was a truly bizarre experience, and if I hadn't physically been there myself, I would not have believed it.

I have a nasty feeling though that Mumma has just taken over the herd...

I hope I'm wrong.


Do you remember when I was having chicken cuddles with Ossie?

Well, I was doing that because she looked different to all the other chickens, and they were being mean to her and not being her friend.  Well it works out that as soon as all the other chickies realized that she was my favourite, then they also wanted to be her friend.  

So now she is Miss Popular and completely part of the coop.

But she also won't have chicken cuddles with me anymore.

It was a great end result for Ossie, not so much for me.


And I saw Boo-ba-licious today who finally is over his sulk and talking with me again, and he was like: 

Hey T, I thought I was supposed to be running.  I'm not...

What's going on?

Well, there's a lot of stuff that you have to do first, but you know, you're right.  You need to say, "Hey Z man, I need to run, you need to take me to the track..."


Oh and I'm a little happy camper today, go on, ask me why...

Well, thank you for asking, I have found a way to bring in my herbs exactly as I want them, and at a bloody beautiful price.

Two of the other products I source here, and one product is 50% cheaper than I have been paying, and the other product is 1/4 of the price.

Well done, me.


So this anxiety lark is a bit annoying.

Some days less, some days way, way more.  But in a funny kind of way, it's a gift.

I know, right?  That's dumb.

But wait a minute, I want to know when my body is out of balance.  I want to know when I'm not ok, and I want to be able to fix it.

And this is what this anxiety is gifting me right now.

The ability to go back to the day before and check on the foods I ate, what I drank, the herbs I used or didn't (and why and why not's?), the clients I dealt with (did I trigger?) and/or am I dealing with grief?

And slowly but surely, we're moving in the right direction.  

I'm learning how to know what vitamin or mineral is out, and more importantly, how to fix it.  What proteins, carbohydrates, seeds, nuts, oils, fruits, vegetables and sugars work best, what time of the day, and in what doseages.

Step by (very) small step.


So, fingers and hooves crossed, Mumma is back on track.

Today, I waited 20 minutes for breakfast while Mumma chased Belle out, and Cappy was in the paddock over.

I literally put my hoof down and refused to feed out until:

a) Mumma stood there waiting patiently NOT adding to the hideous bite marks she has already given Belle.

b) Belle was up for breakfast.

c) Cappy was also up for breakfast.

Cappy took his damn sweet time, Mumma huffed and puffed, did some kicks, snorts, high tails, prancing and then all of a sudden just went, Whoosh... and just stood there patiently waiting like the beautiful Mumma I know. 

Belle came and stood close-ish but not close, and then Cappy wandered up.  

It is still too early to say that I have this all under control, but it was a very positive direction today.

I absolutely cannot have an alpha mare running our herd. 


Boo-ba-licious is still a bit sulky at the moment.  

As he so delicately puts it, I want to damn run, Tania...

I love him...


It's her Birthday!...It's her Birthday!...It's her Birthday!

Yup, Mumma's Birthday today.

Love.  Love.  Love her.


Found out how to tell the weather...just ask Suz to take her jacket off.


Love.  Love.  Love you, Connor and VE.  

I could not be prouder of, and for, you.

A big hug to Nick, too. 

Awesome work.


And I've run into a blockage with Energy.

I'm mean, compared to average, everyday peeps, my Energy skills are still exceptional.  However, Spirit are like, We're only talking about your Energy, missy, and it needs some work.

So Spirit have set me some homework because I can hear, see and touch Energy, but I am having trouble pushing it. 

So I'm getting overwhelmed.

I'm kind of excited and kind of not, because this is really going into the depths of Witchy work and I haven't been able to do this previously.

I also don't have a teacher to teach me how to do it, so I'm a little babe in the woods with it.

However, I understand why Spirit have set this challenge and to be fair, I should have been able to do this a few years ago.

I guess that time is now.


So, that's been our week:

I've got my shite together, and on the days that I don't, well, I'm actively working to get it together.  

And I'm learning so much about boundaries, most of it of the, Ah...hell no! variety. 

And mostly stemming from the panic of what my life will be like if I don't get it together. 

There's something to be said of that phrase, Necessity is the Mother of all invention.

But all jokes aside, we won here at home this week.

All of us.


Big kissy hugs 

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Chuck, Rose, Petal, Kai-Anne, Pepper, Lily, Shelley, Ossie, Marmite and Geraldine.
