Horse Sense....




So that bloody rooster went rogue on me!

And it goes like this:

My eggs just started to go down a little bit.  Nothing too obvious, just one or two less eggs every day.  I thought it was a bit odd, but since hens can be a little tricky, I thought I would just give them the benefit of the doubt.

I shouldn't have.

I was right.

And how I found out, was I went to feed out hay this afternoon and Hello! there were 15 eggs (15!!) sitting in the hay.

Bloody 15!!

And then I realized that this morning, I had seen that rooster leading, like the Pied Pipper of Chickens, 5 chickens into the hay shed.

The little shite had decided that if 10 chickens were good to shag, then 40 little chickee babes would be awesome.

Bloody men.

We then had a short, sharp, very precise conversation about pots, boiling water and Rooster soup.   


Pat may be a bit of a shite, but he's not stupid, because today I saw him leading his chickens to the chook house, wait impatiently outside strutting up and down, while they laid their beautiful, organic eggs, and then I watched him herd them away in Boss Rooster fashion.

He's a dude.


And everyone is jacketless apart from Suz.

The little ones had their's off today, but Suz was like, Yeah, I don't think so...

I almost made her, but ultimately I remembered Chew, and the first year he had a jacket on he refused to take it off for the next 364 days.

He's still a little precious about it.

So Suz is wandering around all jacketed up, I guess she'll let me know when she wants it off.

Or passes out through dehydration.

2.30 pm - Chew: There's a chill in the air....

2.30 pm and 3 seconds - Suz: Told you so...


I'm going to kill that bloody rooster!

Patrick stood outside my window and consistently, that's consistently roostered, without a break, until I got up.


Oooooohhhhhhh Cappy has been naughty!

Mumma, apparently, has been having her feed nicked by either Cappy (Boss) or her son, Boo-ba-licious.  Either one or the other is constantly pushing her out of the way.

Today I ended up whipping the feed away from Cappy and holding the bucket so Mumma could snaffle it down.

She was super grateful, Cappy sulked, Boo-ba-licious was stuffed and was like, I'm all good.... then just lay down and rolled in mud, but Mumma literally hoovered every single bit up.

So Mumma's back on three meals a day again, although her weight should go back on pretty quick now, as the feed I've been waiting for has just turned up again, after a 6 week wait.

She was bloody stoked.


12.19pm I finish with a client.

I2.19.01pm and all horses are lined up at the fence waiting.



And I swear that I am going to tie Ralphy poo up at feed time unless he stops eating 3 x his body weight in food.

Every time I turn around he's nicking someone else's food.

It was Az's this afternoon, and he's three paddocks over!

Ralphy poo's a beautiful, but super gutzy, tubalata.

I might threaten him with being Boo-ba-licious's paddock mate again...


Oh wait...and Belle's doing well.  

She's just growing and chilling and chats away to me when I go feed her. 

Well, mostly she listens as I chat away.  Apparently, as much as I'm shy with humans and never really know what to say that doesn't involve random and indepth insights into your life, with horses, you just can't shut me up. 

I think it is that humans get offended by my ways, because overall peeps like little talk. Things which mean nothing.  Noise of no consequence.

I cannot speak of colours which talk, of emotions which taste, and feelings that you can pluck out of the air.

The horses though, get offended if I don't speak about what's going on with them.  Like somehow I'm letting the side down. 

Which I am.

Two sides of the same coin, eh?


So that's been our week:

Boo-ba-licious still hasn't had the snip, and to be fair, if he had the choice, he wouldn't want it, but since every single other peeps wants it, it's a done deal. 

Or will be when we can get both a) the Vet and b) 4 fine days.

The rest of the time we''re all trying to snaffle some sun or snacking.

Big kissy hugs 

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Chuck, Rose, Petal, Kai-Anne, Pepper, Lily, Shelley, Ossie, Marmite and Geraldine.
