Horse Sense....




So Donz cornered me for a chat today, and it went like this...

You need to feed us.  This grass is shite, and we need some vitamins and minerals.  We want some baleage. 


To be fair, Donz was right.  The grass is a bit shite at the moment, and OMFG there is sooooooooooo much mud.  I swear I will never get Ralphy poo clean.  He's covered in it.

But anyway, back to the cows, so now, the cows are also on baleage.  Although to be fair, Mumma refuses to share the stuff in the stables.  

Mumma has decided that she is the Matriach of the tribe, just under Cappy, then it is Boo-ba-licious, and then everyone else is allowed to be in her space as long as they don't annoy her.  Or eat her food.  Or even look as if they might wish to partake of baleage, or annoy her.

So, you know, I can understand Donz speaking with me.

And now that we have things sorted, when Donz, Daisy and Delilah hear me call out, Breakfast!! the horses run to the house, while the cows run up the paddock, through the gate, hang a left, down the paddock, another left, up the paddock, through the gate, left through another gate and stand at the fence, breathing heavily, looking hopeful.

It's a bloody weird life.


When it finally stops raining I'll re-sand again.  

It just now has started to puddle, but considering how much rain and thunderstorms we've had, we've done ok.

But we've done really well (holding my breath and doing a little prayer) this winter.  Horses are super healthy, although unbelievably muddy, hooves are amazing, and we haven't had any abscesses or nasties, flu's, cold's sniffles or anything.  

And I put this down to the sand.

Not all of it, obviously, as we live a really holistic lifestyle here, working on the pro-active-keep-strong belief system, rather than fixing after the fact.   

But that sand has given us the best winter ever.

It's a true win in my book and as a bonus, it now only takes me an hour ish to do, rather than the 4 ish (ok, ok 5) hours it took the first time.


So I am the eternal optimist and have once again, for the 657th time tried to do a Summer garden.

Go on, ask me why it doesn't happen?


No really, Chew.

Who munches his way through (in no particular order), watermelon, snap peas, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes (both mini and normal size), spinach...and the list goes on.

But this time I have chicken wire (I bloody love chicken wire - it's so useful), and then plastic on top, so my tomatoes can grow, like a mini hothouse.  I have full optimism that maybe I have got it right this time, however, only time will tell.

Chew has a sparkle in his eye.  He loves a challenge.

To be fair though, all my horses are excited.  Everyone loves having a garden and snap peas are a favourite.

Fingers bloody crossed.


Bloody Ralph is filthy.

No, seriously, he is so muddy he's like a walking gremlin.  So I decided to give him a hot bath today, then thought again.

Ralphy poo is Boo-ba-licious's best mate.  Well, put it this way, Boo-ba-licious has decided that, and so it shall be.  Which is kind of cool.  But to give Ralphy a hot bath I have to take him out of the paddock, away from Boo-ba-licious.  

Which when I thought about it, was maybe not so smart.  In case Boo-ba-licious decided that he too would like a hot bath.  Or at least come out and be with Ralphy when he had a hot bath. 

Ralphy's staying dirty.


And for the love of Spirit, I have no idea why everyone loves eating and drinking Coconut Oil.

No, no, no and no.  If you are the wrong blood type, find it hard to lose weight, are over weight or are consistly counting calories Coconut Oil is not for you.

It will, guaranteed, 100% make you put on weight.

In fact, it will slide weight on so easy it will be like putting on a jacket.

Just because something is supposedly good for you, it doesn't mean it is.

Listen to your body, peeps and work with your personal rhythm.


The plastic in the garden did not work.

A couple of days after I had put it on, we had the worst rain and wind again.

The plastic acted like a parachute, scared the horses, who buggered off down to their stables and refused to come back up until I had removed it.


However, the chicken wire is all good.

So maybe just a half fail.


Ooooooohhhhhh....Boo-ba-licious was naughty last night!

Go on, ask me how I know?

Because the tribe were all giving him time out this morning...and he had that guilty look.

I went around checking for broken fences and/or gates, blood, cuts, scratches, open wounds - but no, everyone was fine.

But he had definitely done something naughty, because when Boo-ba-licious saw me, he came up and wanted a Miri-Miri and Cappy was like, Don't you dare touch that colt...

That was fine by me because if Boo-ba-licious had upset the horses, then guaranteed if I had known what he had done, I wouldn't have been too happy either.

But I tell you what, when Mumma walked back to the Welcome Paddock her high fauloutin ass was up in the air all muppety like, and Boo-ba-licious was following behind all meek and mild.

Guess he won't be doing that again.


Funniest thing in the Universe... I call out Breakfast!! and Donz calls back, Here!!


So I had a nasty suspicion that I was putting on weight.  Too bizarre, as I hadn't been doing anything different.  But I was pretty sure I was, so did a re-look as to whether something had snuck in without me noticing. 

It had. 

Bloody coconut oil.

So I threw that product out, but while I was there I did a re-check of everything else, kicked some other stuff in my fridge out which had kind of snuck in, and generally did an awesome clean out.  All seemed fine.    

I was feeling pretty pleased with myself.

Until I was checking my emails tonight...

I was reading an article about a product I absolutely love and personally use, but which I had been using internally recently, when normally I use it externally.  

And it went like this...

One or two tablespoons a day in your pet’s food or water dish will keep their immune system strong and help prevent disease.

Many animals gain weight and energy following a course of **** suggesting that their wellbeing is enhanced.

Son.  Of.  A.  Bitch.


So that's been our week:

We're doing ok if you don't count the mud.  The balance is right in our home, and as much as I am soooooooooooooooooooo sick of rain and I swear I would do anything to be able to sunbathe right now, it's still pretty Zen here.

But if I've learnt one thing this week...

Success is in the details, peeps.

Big hugs and horsey kisses from us here, to you there.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Chuck, Daisy, Delilah and Donz and our chickens, Rose, Petal, Kai-Anne, Pepper, Lily, and Shelley.
