Horse Sense....




Ralph is threatening to move out.

Well, to be fair, I don't blame him, because it goes like this:

There I was driving up my road and as per usual, I was checking out my horses (I always like to see if there is anything which stands out, that needs attention) and what do I see?


Boo-ba-licious and Ralphy-poo playing.  Hard.  So I reversed the car back up and kept looking.  Unfortunately, it wasn't playing as such, Boo-ba-licious had one leg wrapped around Ralphy's back and another leg (using like an arm) wrapped around his head and he was literally, I kidd you not, trying to shag him like a chick.

I ended up getting out of the car and yelling at him, and then he kind of got off Ralphy as if nothing untoward had been going on, then walked sedately into the stables all miffy like, as if anyone had a problem, then it sure as hell wasn't him.  

Ralphy is saying that he doesn't deserve, need, want or desire this kind of attention and I need to sort this out.

How he expects me to do this, I have no idea.

The funny thing is he stays right away from Suz and Az and it is only Ralphy that he tries this with.

Oddest thing.


And I can't stop thinking about Peacocks.

I desperately wish to have one on my deck, who hangs out round the house, waving his tail feathers round.

But I can't have one caged.  I just can't.  

So I've decided to try and call one, to invite one in to live with us.

As I'm writing this there are a few issues re this:

1) Apparently there are no Peacocks around here.

2) I've never heard of someone calling a Peacock.

3) I have no idea where to start, how their frequency works, how their sounds travel or even if they wish to live with humans and horses.

I mean, I don't know why not, but...


I don't even know how this is possible, but after this terrible weather the God's smiled, and today was absolutely gorgeous!

In fact, I ended up sunbathing on the deck, eating fresh whitebait fritters.

I kidd you not.

There's a space on my deck that even though it is not glassed or anything, is literally a sun pocket.  Direct Vitamin D infusion, baby.

And when I think about it, it's been weeks since I've been able to take a breather.  When I say I've been busy, I haven't been joking. 

No.  Room.  To.  Breathe.

Today was literally a slice of paradise.  


And I'm trying to take a video of Boo-ba-licious and Ralphy, but I either don't have my phone with me, or I'm laughing so hard, I can't do it.

It's hilarious.

Now, if I actually thought Ralphy was in any harm, I would whip him out of the paddock, but he seems to be ok overall.  And a bonus is, he's keeping his winter weight down.  So, it's actually a good thing...

But anyway, Boo-ba-licious knows better than to go near Cappy.  Cappy is the most lovable, gorgeous and nice natured horse you could ask for, until he loses his shite.  And Mumma, if you remember, was fine right up until she lost her shite and ended up chasing Boo-ba-licious up and down, round and round the 8 acres, until he understood that never, ever, ever was he to try and shag her again.

Lesson learnt.

Suz said a polite, No, thank you and that was the beginning, middle and end of that, and you would need to go mob handed to get anywhere near Az's ass.  Even then your chances would only be 50/50.

Chew lives up by the house, and refuses to go into the paddock with him.

So that just leaves Ralphy.

So two or three times a day, after Boo-ba-licious has eaten, napped, milked and sunned himself, he tries to shag Ralphy.  And then it's all on.  All you see is this flash of blonde, with Boo-ba-licious full on galloping after him.  Then there's cuddles, double barrelling, pulling of manes (Ralphs), rearings ups and tapping of hooves like boxers, then everyone boots off again.   

Then, and for no reason that I can see, it just stops.


I've started calling my Peacock home.


Still trying to fix the Ralphy/Boo-ba-licious issue...

I've got nothing.


And I'm working very hard on trying to keep a work/not work balance.

Not away from the horses, but to keep a line between my Spiritual fix-it-work and friends.  You have no idea how challenging that is, especially since I didn't learn these boundaries when I was younger.

I've literally been learning them in the last few years.  

But I'm trying extremely hard, and slowly but surely, we're getting there.

There is absolutely 100% no more, I'll come over and have a coffee (or brunch and/or lunch) and Oh, I may as well have a Reading while I'm there...

100% of the time it's now...

What you put up with from a man, is on you.  You do not bring this to my door, wrapped in pretty paper, with a cute bow on top and call it friendship.

Go me!


And this wonderful weather is continuing.

I swear, I do my work in the morning, sunbathe for 2 hours, then come inside and turn on the fire, before I start my afternoon/nightime feed out and work.

Hand on hoof, true story.


So there I am in the sun and the next minute Spirit are, Get more baleage in, and do the sand tomorrow.

To be fair, I had been thinking of both, Spirit just gave me the extra nudge.

Baleage ordered and sand turned up at lunch.  It worked out to be a super easy job.  The lovely man deposited the sand exactly where I needed it, in 3 different places so maybe not super duper easy, but absolutely, not so hard.

All horses snuggly, happy and warm.  It won't make one bit of difference to us now, as to whether it rains, hails, snows, or is -6 degrees.

An excellent, if busy, day.

** At 9.45 that night we were in the middle of a full on, pelting down with rain storm.

In fact, my tank got filled by almost 1/3.

I bloody love Spirit.


And I'm learning heaps about Peacocks.

Well, not Peacocks as such, but lots about frequency.

Mr Peacock is further than 10 miles from me, but closer than 100 miles.

There are definite moments where the frequency is crystal clear.  Not always the times that you would think though.

I am just nudging the outer frequency of him at the moment.  Enough for him to have heard me whisper, not enough for him to do anything about it yet.  

But he's listening for me now.


So that's been our week:

There's been some stunning moments of just being.  Times where we have all been completely in balance.  You know, not actually accomplishing anything, just loving where we're being.  Taking a breather and enjoying the view.  

And it's the first time I've actually been able to see what we've accomplished.  To take a step back and really see.

So I'm super glad I've had these moments, because not only did it give me time to soak in our success, but because I know it also means that Spirit are about to make us super crazy busy again.  It's like they say, Here, have a breather...

But I don't care about that, I care that we're home and we're awesome.

Big hugs and horsey kisses from us here, to you there.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Boo-ba-licious, Pat, Chuck, Daisy, Delilah and Donz and our chickens, Rose, Petal, Kai-Anne, Pepper, Lily, and Shelley.
