Horse Sense....


                is just a beautiful time here.

We're not doing anything amazing or note worthy or anything which will be made into a movie, we're just in a deeply healing and Spiritual time.

We've turned down the sound of the world here, and when you do that the grass root bones happen.

And that's what I'm seeing.

I'm watching my horses show me that I am appreciated.  Not that I do everything fantastically well all, or even most, of the time, but they know I do my best. 

I mean, I put another 8 cubes of sand in and around, the stables the other day, because it's just been too wet and we needed more.   

And we all love the sand. 

I don't know how, but it works really well for everyone's hooves.  It keeps them in good nick.  

And it doesn't get muddy.

It gets wet, but not ugly, then dries out.  And there are no puddles in the stables.

That was one of the best bits of money that I have ever spent, I wish I had known about it earlier.

And I swear, hand on hoof, the horses love it. 

Not to mention those hanging steel hay/baleage thingymagigs on the wall.  Everyone thinks those are the best things EVER.  

And open stables.  

Cappy wants to know why I didn't do those immediately when we moved in.  

He loves them now.  

And the funniest thing, often you find Cappy, Mumma and Boo-ba-licious all in the one stall.  None of this, Ooooooohhhh...we can't go in there, there's no room... No, no it is all, We have heaps of room, what are you talking about?

We have no issues with door being shut in stables, door being open, people coming in... it is literally as if the horses know that everything that happens is to make their life better and/or easier.  They give people they meet the benefit of the doubt, but if they are not their best person, they let me know, and we try to find someone who is.

I have watched this translate to Mumma and Cappy doing everything they can, to be the best horses they can be.  And then they try harder for me.

Really hard.

I speak with Mumma and Cappy, telling them what I need, sometimes from them directly, sometimes for Boo-ba-licious.

And every single time, we achieve our goal.

I can't tell you how, because there is no rhyme nor reason to this.  

All I can say is that this Horse/human door works on a frequency that I can't explain.  And we get results that can't be explained.

Boo-ba-licious is one of the most awesome colts I've ever met.  And well-behaved.  Not perfect mind, just in a league of his own.  

Cappy has also far exceeded my expectations of a leader.  He runs the herd like a Boss.

Which has given us stunning results with Boo-ba-licious. 

Mumma as a broodmare has blown me away, she is one of a kind.  I knew she was special.  And I've watched her put everything she has, into raising exceptional foals.  

I kept my word, she kept hers.

So that's been our week:

We are doing nothing but being with Spirit, healing and hanging out.

Big hugs and horsey kisses from us here, to you there.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Little Boo, Pat, Chuck and Lightning, Humprey and One and 3 random, but super cute, cows. 


Big love to my peeps. 

Thank you xx