Horse Sense....




Ok, so it works out the young one was right on the first, Ooooohhhhh...that sounds like a good idea, let's give it a go!

I'm not a suitable candidate because it works by flooding the system.  Which was the main concern that the young one had.

However, moving forward, even though it didn't work out, it was good for a couple of reasons:

a) It backs up how I already use it.  Excellent!

b) Blood tests came back and I got a completely fresh set of eyes looking at them - and then compared them from 2014, 2020 and now. 

Awesomeness personal work has been done by me.  Especially in the past 12 months.

The bloods are perfect.  Not ok-ish bloody perfect.  I'm stoked.    

c) I got a couple of tips of how to fine tune and tweak more.

As much as I didn't get what I thought I wanted, this has been a quite excellent end result.

And while I was waiting for these results, I started with some new herb-y type stuff which in the first instance, is having excellent results.  

Cappy....come here....we have new stuff to try.....


Boo was a bit bored today and since Mumma and Cappy don't wish to play with him, Ralphy poo drew the short straw.

I'm not sure he was too happy about being Boo's play thing, but he held his own. 

Mumma and Cappy just hung round eating grass, keeping an eye on them to make sure no one got hurt.


Ok loving the new herb-y type stuff that I'm trying.  Excellent, excellent results so far.  

The funny thing is, I have no idea how I can/will/might use it with the horses.  No doubt it will show it's use.  Well, I know how it works, I just don't see that a horse would need that.


And peeps are all jacketed up.  Well, most.

And what a bloody kerfuffle that was this morning.  I got up and the weather wasn't so cool and there was talk it was going to get worse, so I decided to jacket everyone up.  Suz was a bloody darling.  I won't say that she is super enthusiastic about being caught, but is a million times better than what she was.  In fact, today, she came up for her banana and then just stood there.  Had a brush, got jacketed.

Chew got a jacket on, then I realized wrong jacket, so then un-jacketed him.  He was under whelmed with that.  

Then Ralphy poo.   He also loves his jacket on, then I put him back in the paddock where Boo thought he was a new toy.  Ralphy also less than impressed with me as I'm writing this.  However, he is warm.

Then did Cappy who was scared of the wind, fluff and every other bloody thing.  In the end I put him in the stables to do it.  Then he was like, Oh, you meant it's jacket time.  Bloody TB.  Then went out to play with Mumma and Boo.  

I was in two minds about doing Mumma.  She loves having a jacket but is still milking Boo, so considering everyone was jumping and bucking and generally making a nusiance of themselves, that was a no.

Az just stands there, he is the most chillest dude I have ever met.  He's bloody awesome.

I'm go glad I did jacket everyone though because as I'm writing this, I have the heater on and it's pissing down outside.

If it gets any colder, I might even put the fire on.


Both the young one and his mate are fine.


Loving the new herb-y type stuff!

Now just working on doseages.  I got it wrong the other day.  During the day was fine, had my normal pot of herbal sweetness first thing in the morning, then later that afternoon wondered what would happen if I took another pot. 

Apparently nothing. 

So continued on with my day then went to bed about 10.45, read for a little bit, then went to sleep.  

Boom.  2.30am I am wide awake and that was me.  I was fully awake, fresh as a daisy and raring to go, right through until 8.26pm the next night.  Then crashed.

On a good note, I now understand that two pots is too much.


So then the weather was awesome.  But by the time I realized this, I was out.  Then came back home and Cappy was like, Slightly warm, just undo the neck.  I'm pretty sure he was more than slightly warm but he didn't want his jacket off.  Neither did Az, Suz and definitely not Chew.  Chew will refuse to be de-jacketed until mid December.  He's a bit of a sook when it comes to jackets.

Anyway, felt a bit stink about putting the jackets on then the weather turned but tonight it's cold again, so you know, I got it half right. 


That bloody TB!

So I went to take Cappy's jacket off today because weather report said it was going to be warm again, and the bloody sod said no.

Actually, what he said was, No thank you, please leave me alone.  

Then up and left the conversation!


The young one's mate is fine, not even a sniffle, the young one is also fine.  

He did give me a growling though for an inappropriate comment I made, which I thought was a bit unfair. 

I didn't even use the word, Fuck.


And everyone is in season here at the moment. 

I mean, I've just given up on a monthly cycle now and understand that because Mumma has the most dominant (alpha) uterus (mainly because she is stronger and bigger), I now sync in with Mumma's cycle, which means we all season, once every 3 weeks. 

Surprisingly, when you run with Energy and have got it right, whether it's a 3 or 4 week cycle, doesn't make any difference whatsoever.

I like this Energy overall though, Mumma is snuggly, Caps is snuggly, I'm snuggly, Boo's snuggly...and then we have Boo's boy bits who also wish to be snuggly.

I'll tell you what kiddo, this time is not for the faint hearted.  You have got to, and I mean absolutely have to have your Clair-senses working at full capacity.  


Ooooohhhhh almost forgot, Karaka Weanling Sale is on on the third of May and Boo's baby Daddy has 5 for sale!

Obviously they all think their weanling is excellent.  I'll definitely be at the sale day, but am unsure about the look-see day.  I did my chips the last time at Karaka, and there is no way anyone is going to walk their filly or colt for me.  Especially because they know that I am only checking to see how Boo compares to them. 

A bit of a bugger that.

Anyway, super excited to see the little ones.


So that's been our week:  Lots of good things happened, a few twists and turns but overall, we seem to be on the winning side.

Go us.

Big hugs and horsey kisses from us here, to you there.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Little Boo, Pat, Chuck and Lightning, Humprey, Coyote and One.   


My hands are already tingling to Touch the little ones.