Horse Sense....




So after the complete chaos and mayhem of last week, we've got some beautiful mojo going now.

Suz is being a little rockstar!  Half her halter came off so we had to put it back on.  I was expecting another 30 minute tussle, but take off the 0 and that was us.  I mean, I can't go in empty handed though, we have tools I use.  A little arm extender and plastic lattice stuff, which works as a mini fence and extends my arms in both directions.  Anyway, she knew what was required and just stood there.  No shaking.  No running.  No, You're going to kill me!!  

And I didn't need to use any of our tools.

That was an awesome step forward.


And we've got some serious love happening in the herd.

Boo loves Caps and the feeling is mutual.  He loves him back.  Ralph is still a bit weird about things, but to be fair, having a colt that's bigger than you (in every way) galloping and then flying at you, grabbing your mane, could be a little tiring.  However, apart from that, everyone is getting on great. 

I have tried to encourage Chew to move into the paddock but he's like, No, thank you.  I'm a house horse.  I have my own tree to lie under, room to move around as and when I wish, and I'm happy.  

Suz was like, What he said.

To be fair, that's their right.  They're cool, bloody fantastic to have wandering around and just a whole heap of fun.  Ralph too, would like to come out and be a house horse, but he then goes into the big feed shed which doesn't have a door and eats whole buckets (like the big bin ones) of feed.  So that's a no.

But back to herd dynamics.

I've stopped videoing the Touch/play because we are past that stage now.  It's kind of like, if I haven't done it right by now, then I've done it all wrong. 

Which I haven't.

So we're onto bigger stuff now.

Now, there are many, many documented articles, of how babies learn about humans from their Elders in the herd. So I use that.  I have a great relationship with Caps and Mumma is cool with me, too.  So Boo is learning how an adult horse communicates with me.  

He understands that when I call him, Boo, that he stops what he's doing, answers with this loud squeal type thing and then gallops up to see what I want.  

He also understands about breakfast and dinner times, and more importantly don't run over your human. 

Tonight, because Caps is looking suspiciously juicy and Mumma has an extremely good shine on her, I gave him an extra feed.  It was a bit weird, as I held the bucket up over the gate, so he could get all his important vitamins/minerals/herbs that I want for him, while Mumma and Caps stood back.

Then when he was getting full, Caps came up and took a handful, then Mumma.

I absolutely, 100% did not feed Boo by hand, but he needs to understand that there are times when I do feed Mumma and Caps like that.  That it is a normal experience, and you do not bite.

The boundary stick did come in handy tonight while Boo was eating though, but that was a good thing.  It is literally a tiny, almost non-existent, movement I use to let everyone know, that's a no.  

Do not move forward.

Between me and the herd though, we're teaching and learning, but in every moment, I'm always super aware of the men and women coming behind me. 

That they need me to know my shite, and get our foundations right.


So it's been kind of annoying because a couple of my horses have lost their shine.

I mean, they are in fantastic nick, no matter which way you look at it, but they didn't have that glow that my other ones did.  And I was wracking my brains to see how this was happening.  What was going wrong?  No one was sick, unhappy and/or being picked on, but some horses were looking amazing and some, Meh!

So I quietened the Energy down.  You know, I knew I knew the answer, but I was fucked if I could see what it was.  So I chilled out, read a book, let my brain wander... and Hello! just as I've made all the feeds up, fed out, watered and made the last of the breakfasts, there's my lightbulb moment.  

Off to do witchy stuff tomorrow.  I know what went wrong, how, why and how I can correct it.

Boom, baby.


And I bought a hot water shower for my babies today.

I hear people tell me that horses don't need hot showers, because they don't have spas in the wildnerness...and in theory, I totally agree.  

However, I watch my horses have feelings and emotions, and use a complex and intricate communication system.  Which doesn't really back up the above theory.  In fact, it tells me that if they could find a hot spa, they most probably would be soaking in it. 

Purely on that basis alone, I bought the shower.

I'll let you know how it goes.


And Damn! it took 1 minutes 37 seconds to catch Suz today.

In fact, it wasn't even a catch.  She made a vague, run for it effort and then just stood there.



And I'm super happy with Belle.

I know you don't hear me talk about her so much nowdays, but it's not because I don't like her or see her, rather she is growing and becoming strong.  She plays with her friend and is taught how to be a big horse by peeps who know these things. 

But mainly, she plays and grows strong.

So I try not to annoy her or get in other peeps way.


And I'm trying to keep out of the herds way while they are teaching the young one.

Boo's crushing on Caps, and it's so cute to watch.  But Caps is crushing on Boo, too.  He takes his responsibility of teaching him extremely seriously.  So seriously, that he makes me consistently look at my game and makes me double check to make sure I'm doing everything right.  

Caps tells me when I'm not.


So today has been both amazingly good and super sad.

Let's start with the good, because the sad is also a bit weird.

So my hot water shower for my horses turned up, and OMFG it is as good as I had hoped.

For a start, I didn't want to spend the money, but I am so glad I did.  Not immediately, because I had to put things together and you know that anything which is non-witchy, emotional or Sense-y my brain doesn't compute to - and I refuse to make excuses for that, take me as I am or don't take me at all. 

Anyway, there was a lot of bad language until Aunty A (bubble person) fixed it.  Twice.  Because she left me a couple of things to do (like put in batteries - refer to above) which just had me using more bad language and threatening to throw things, then the bloody thing wouldn't work.

Worked out it was because we (ok, ok, I) had managed to both link up normal tap and river tap connection.  Fuck only knows how.  Again, refer to above.  And thank you to Aunty A who again, not just worked out what had happened, but fixed it.

Anyway, moving right along...Chew, Suz and Ralph were little rockstars.  I have never seen them so laid back and cruizy about being washed.  Chew was like, Whooooooo... what the hell is that?  Ralph never moved and Suz was, Tania, that is really good...

The biggest surprise was Az.  He who hates any form of water and is even scared of hoses lying on the ground, well, he was like, OMG, this is so much fun! as he splashed around.  He had his head under water, his legs, hooves and part of his tummy. 

He freaking loved it. 

Already, just from today, the shower has already paid for itself.

Now onto the sad, weird and bizarre:

Elvis's new home didn't eventuate, so I had him in the paddock with Az and Ralph.  Paddock was non weedy, food was the same, everything was as it should be.

Late today, about 7pm, he started wobbling, then jumping from side to side, got caught in the fence, then un-caught.  Then he went bucking around the paddock, then stopped, staggered, bucked around again, lay down, foamed at the mouth, then died.

The Vet turned up 10 minutes later.

It worked out that The Big E had a brain/neurological disease.

We don't know why.

But that was the reason he had been fine, then not with me recently.  

Things always work out the way that they should, but that super fucking sucks though.


Tui came and buried Elvis in the arena where he can still see me every day, and can play with the horses.


So that's been our week: 

After all the chaos and mayhem of last week, we have answers.  Not all of them, naturally, but the important ones. 

I wish I could say I'm super happy because I have answers now, but you know, that would be inaccurate.  However, I do have answers, so that in itself is a win. 

Of sorts. 

The way is clear again though, and all murky Energy has dissovled, which is how I love it.  And let's be honest, 100% of the time, I always want to know how things end. 

Holding my breath, crossing hooves and doing a quick prayer, that we are now walking into beautiful Energy. 

With new, stronger, and more empowered, knowledge.

Big hugs and horsey kisses from us here, to you there.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Little Boo, Fenny, Flash, Pat, Chuck and Lightning and 4 little chickadees.

Rest in lamb heaven Big E - you were a dude xx
