Horse Sense....




So it's been really interesting here.

Back on the 19th December, Spirit tapped me on the shoulder and said, Stop.

I went, Ok and then went off to do stuff.

But it worked out they really meant, Stop.  In all it's glory, Spirit wanted me to do not one more thing.

No video's, pictures, blogs, Social Media, text messages or any other form of communication.

They wanted complete and utter, Silence.

And the reason for that, was this:

It's been a batshite crazy year. 

There has been some super good stuff, but I've seen a lot, and I mean, a lot of ugly. 

I've seen men who act like Kings, with not $5 to their name, mean-ass-one-eyed-snakes who whisper words that caress, with a split tongue and droplets of poison, and hideous...dressed with diamonds. 

I've also watched silk purses come from sow's ears, and mice become elephants. 

Castles giving crumbs, and country kitchens gifting loaves.

Smoke and mirrors.

Hidden and untapped rivers of gold, and diamonds waiting to be plucked from the air.

And there's been no rhyme nor reason to it.

Apart from what Spirit have aways said, Take away the currency of money, and what is left?

So that's what I did.

I sat back and let go.  

I made no movement forward.  No texts, no emails, no messenger, no carrier pigeons.

And it cleared the space so that I could look, and find, that the bones of my life are rock solid.  That the things I value have worth.  That the practices I live on a daily basis, are there because they work.  And the things which belong in the past, and are in the past, are because they were faulty.

They didn't fit in with how we live our life here.  They made us smaller, not larger.  

And anything which makes me less, I don't want in my life.  I guess it's that old warthog, If my circle doesn't fit your square, I'm cool with that.

Spirit also showed me where I was valued, and where I had let my boundaries get squished. 

Because I had made excuses for those that are not strong...which was wrong.  

My job is not to make you strong, if weak works better for you, and if you can't see for yourself, that you're not getting success, it's not my place to tell you.  

That was my bad.

Spirit re-spoke about how not to accept bread crumbs, when I can bake the whole damn loaf.

And that presents are never about the financial cost.  No matter who you are.

This time also re-affirmed my Ta Moko belief system and proved again, the Silver Cord cannot be broken, misplaced or destroyed when it has been gifted with love, nurtured with time, and fed with soul.

It transcends time, space and distance.

It's been a ground breaking few weeks though, because I went into this time with a vague idea of how the next 12 months would go, and I'm leaving it with a definite plan. 

No if, buts, sort of's or maybe's.   

Big hugs and horsey kisses from us here, to you there.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, the Big E, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Little Boo, Pat and Chuck, Grease and Lightning.
