Horse Sense....




So what is coming to me at the moment, is all these articles about foals interacting with Mumma.

Studies which are being done, different theories talked about. 

My issues, for lack of better word, is:

a) Will me Touch/play-ing Boo make him sour?

b) Why is he so mouthy?

c) Why don't other people Touch their horses?

d) Why does nobody talk about the sound vibrations that change in a Mumma's voice, the exact moment her baby is born?

These are valid things to want to know.

I don't get why you wouldn't want to interact with your foal.  Why would you wait 6 months to teach him/her anything? We know for a fact that human children learn the most and are the most sponge like (for information) in the first 5 years.  It stands to reason a foal would be the same.  Teach early when the mind is open.

Some people say touching a foal makes him/her sour, especially for a race horse.  It makes him/her not run.  I think that's bullshite.  Horses love to bloody run.  I think what people are talking about is the horses desire to run to win for you.  That's a completely different kettle of fish.  I have watched horses that technically should never have won, win for their peeps and I've watched others who had so much potential go, Yeah, nah.

I've also been watching a lot of video's, reading blogs etc about being mouthy and I think I've got it wrong.  It's not mouthy as in nippy wanting to bite but as a touch/feel kind of thing.  I was worried there because he was trying to mouth me all the time, but then I watched Mumma and he is literally mouthing her all the time.  Mane, tail, hanging off her ear...  The video's I looked at were all doing similiar to what I was doing.  Move hind quarters away from you constantly, put hand up then re-position him so that you are scratching another part of him.  Reward good behaviour.

I also think people don't touch their foals because of ego.  You can't work with them if you have ego and trust me, that's so freaking hard to do, it takes so much time, patience and willingness.

I don't understand why peeps don't talk of sound vibrations though, maybe I'm just not reading the right articles.

What I did read which was interesting though, was groups of foals who had been groomed, brushed etc within a day of being born learnt quicker and liked humans more, than ones that hadn't been socialized.  

However, this was only true if the Mumma had a good relationship with the human first.

This could be why the no tying up works well for us.  Mumma is freely and positively, teaching Boo.

Oh and I read my first article, about the jigsaw I keep banging on about.  It wasn't exactly like I speak, but we were on the same field at different ends.  They got lost a little bit on the Psychological-rhythm-distributed-expressed-mental-stamina and reverse-engineering-herd-dynamic traits.  However, they got back on track with, Talent is far more common, than is the ability to optimize it and my personal favourite of the whole article, Optimized physical talent is emotionally driven.

Interesting times, eh?

Oh wait...that article was written about race horses. 


Funniest thing in the Universe...Mumma stands next to the fence and tells me what herbs she wants.  She literally nickers at me., Not that one, that one... 

And bloody growls at me if I'm late for lunch. 

She's a bit funny about her lunch time feed though.  She must be able to tell the time by the sun, because she is literally, It's 1.30 Tania, lunch is 12...

Well, ok then.  I'm glad we cleared that up.


A gorgeous day here today!

In fact, it was absolutely stunning!  No one did any work, all we did was lax out, enjoy the sun and eat grass.  Well, for those of us that are grass orientated.

I also opened up the big, hilly, third paddock for Mumma and Boo.  It has so much grass it was a shame to waste it, and Mumma is a good Mum.  So yes, there are obstacles like a great big hole down the bottom, taped off with hot fence and it is hilly but you know, he needs to stretch those tendons and work those muscles.  

So they did.

They popped off to the hill paddock and came back for lunch and dinner when I called.

That's the part that gets me.  It's like Mumma knows that I do my best, so she also does her best.  

Oddest thing in the Universe.

There are days where the horse/human door is so obvious, I have not one speck of a doubt.


So we're full on in Eclipse season now.  

This is awesome because Eclipses show us what is working, and also what is not.  It's also a time of resting and recharging and getting back in touch with your soul. 

So that's what we're doing here. 

I have learnt the Silver Cord won't let you go, no matter the distance, and that home is my son, not a place.  We're learning so many new ways of communicating, and what home really means.  As Nana and I keep talking about, Keep stepping forward and eventually you will come through this.

So far, it's working.  And we never get homesick on the same days.

Thank fuck.

The Clair-senses are also going into new depths.  Less is more.  So I'm consistently quietening it down.  Going further, deeper.  

It's also getting easier with people.  Mostly.  Sometimes I just want to give them a hug and go, Oh Hunny... mostly I hold myself back and remember, This is not my journey, these are not my choices.  

But I have heard a couple of things recently, which backs up what Spirit showed me over a year ago, and it's making my skin crawl.

It's like watching a car accident in slow motion.

Ok, so now I'm writing this, maybe I'm still battling a little with the Senses.  

But all jokes aside, there's magick every day and neither the young one or I will fall down the rabbit hole.  We found our way, maybe not 100%, but enough to know that we are anchored.  That's we won't get lost, abandoned or cast adrift.

And that's cool.

The rest of the time there is horses.

Oh, and as I'm writing this, there's mucho Spirit here.  The chandeliers in the hallway, keep flashing on and off and lights keep blowing.  

Shite's about to get interesting.


So Boo is growing rapidly.

And not just a little inch here or there, I mean GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWING which is freaking me out a bit.  Well, to be fair, he's up past my breast and he's a month old.  I'm also 5'10".

Vet is talking early castration.

My professional horsey peeps are like, NO!!

In fact, the general consensus is, You have a fantastic colt, stop whinging, don't fuck this up.

Well, ok then. 

Glad we got that sorted.


So that's been our week:

Take what you need, leave the rest, don't work on fear and for fuck's sake, listen to that little voice of yours that is whispering to you, Something's not right...

Actually, forget everything that you think you know, just listen to that voice.
Big hugs and horsey kisses from us here, to you there.
Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, the Big E, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Little Boo and of course, Pat and Chuck. 