Horse Sense....




Would you please, please, please stop asking me why I got a Rooster, it's like bloody Groundhog Stupid Day.


It's weird with all this Spirit around though.  

I'm busy, which is cool, but there's lots of things I want to do, things I can't do and the things I actually do.  And it's never what I plan.

However, on a freaking cool note, I've found that there are things that I absolutely have to do.  Think of a food craving, but for the soul.  

Like Have.  To.  Do.

Because if I don't, I can't breathe.

So that actually makes my life way more simple than I originally thought.  

Want to do this.

Have to do that.

Could do...wait...can't breathe.

I wish I was joking.


And on a funny note, Mumma was at the Welcome Paddock front gate waiting for her banana last night.

I know, go figure.  

We're finding a friendship.


I'm also doing a lot of Touch with Boo, he's sooooooooooo different to Belle  though.  He only has one speed, Fast. 

And he's mouthy.  Belle wasn't, although maybe I am mis-remembering.  But if she was, she wasn't as much.  This I know.

But anyway, moving right along, we can easily work 2 or 3 times a day, 7 to 10 minutes at a time.  

I also use Mumma to teach and that works great.  I'm also consistently working on Energy, Ssssshhhh listen.... and I celebrate every achievement.  

Sometimes I think we're doing awesome, other times I think not so much, and I freak out.

But then I will try not to be around him so he can just be a horse, but then I can't breathe, so there I am outside again, finding other ways to work, cleverer ways, outside the box ways.  

And I'm praying, that is PRAYING to Spirit that we're doing ok.

Oh wait...and the Vet and I were talking about gelding him at about 4 months, but I spoke to my horsey friends who just about had heart failure, and said a big, fat NO!!!!

Well, ok then.


Finally got to the races tonight!

It was good to be in the masculine Energy again, I need it so much when I work with the Clair-senses.  

But the funny thing is, the more I work with the Clair-senses the more Feminine my Energy becomes, which calls to the Masculine.  Which is super weird considering I am a total Feminist. I'm not the girl that will be cleaning the house or cooking you dinner every night.  No.  Not me.  But working with the Clair-senses takes me to my place.  Where Divine Feminine is not sub-standard to men, or weak.  It is strong and powerful, nurturing and well, it's purest form.

It's the weirdest thing.

I've also noticed that I'm more confident.  Working with the Clair-senses has made me so much more aware of the Universe, the intricacies and complexities, and my place in it. 

And my confidence has, and continues to, grow through this journey.  

But to just sit in the Silence and let the Masculine Energy come and cuddle me was good for my soul tonight. It just came and came and came until I had had my fill.

Un-believe-ably-fucking-good for my soul.


A couple of days off for Little Booo and Mumma.

We just needed space for Boo to want that human connection again.  And so far it's working.  He's like hanging round going, Over here, Tarns... or flipping his ass towards me hoping for a Miri Miri.  

I am showing extreme restraint to not Touch.  


I'm wondering how long this veil is going to be thin for though, because it goes like this:

2 texts, 2 visits and one question that just wouldn't let me rest.  

Completely different people, totally random times and everything 100% unexpected.

And we have bang bang whistle boom boom.

Things slid into place, pieces fell together, missing bits were no longer missing and well, I finally got the answer that Spirit had walked me through for days.  

If you could ask one question, what would it be?

How are your hands?


And this...


Taking time off with Boo was awesome. 

We found his place, talked to his muscles, encouraged, tempted and teased his tendons to unfurl and...well, there was no "and".


So that's been our week:

I've been able to relax a lot more this week.  Not because anything is too much different to last week, but rather, I've faced things head on.  False Truth, Non sustainable and This is not my business and these are not my choices are again things which have raised their head.  However, I am not responsible for anyone else, or how they live their life. 

It is not my right, duty or responsibility.  

But these Clair-senses have been scary this week. 

Because there's a whole Universe of difference between being right in theory and the practicality of it.  The grass roots bones of being right. 

And that's not always fun.

But if I'm really being honest, my life got so much easier at the exact moment that I went back to my core belief system and my roots of, I can breathe here...I can't breathe here... 

Boom, baby.

Big hugs and horsey kisses from us here, to you there.
Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, the Big E, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Little Boo and of course our latest additions - Pat (the rooster) and Chuck (the chicken)