Horse Sense....




I've realized that mice are thick.

No, really, mighty damn thick.

So, it works out that I had an influx come into my garage when the rain came.  Like bloody billions of them.  Ok, ok, maybe not billions, but more than one.  And they were having a party, because I had been making feed up at night for breakfast, and then leaving it on the bench.  Well, I immediately stopped that.  Rule number 1 in my life is...First, Immediately stop the problem.

Secondly, Fix the bloody problem.

That was a little more difficult but you know, I got creative.

I put a little bucket with some food on the garage bench, then put mouse killer pellets in.  Commonly referred to as poison.  That was first thing this morning, then I left shed.

Went back a few hours later and Hello! pellets gone.

Back again at lunch, pellets gone again, so I put more food out and more pellets.  An extra one this time for good luck.

Dinner time I made up feeds, fed out and then checked mice bucket.

The stupid buggers had eaten feed again AND the bloody pellets.  New bucket, more feed and two extra pellets to be on the safe side.

As my old Nana used to say, You can't educate haddock.


Mumma's sulking because she doesn't like the rain.  As I explained to her, It's not my bloody fault, put your ears forward and stop being manky.


There is so much Spirit Energy here it is mind blowing.

So, you can always tell when a Spirit has come during the night, because a photo or picture you have had hanging on the wall is noticeably crooked.  Yip. Tick.  Feathers on the ground to tell you that Spirit are walking with you.  Yip. Tick.   But the most obvious (and kind of cute) one was when I turned the gas heater off in the kitchen last night before I went to bed, got up this morning and the gas heater was going full bore.  I went to turn the gas off, and it already was.

That was both super cool, toasty warm, and a little odd.

But I really appreciate Spirit at the moment because I swear, hand on heart, this is the hardest place I have ever stood.  

I have never, ever, experienced anything even remotely like it.

It's like my heart is being pulled out of my chest.  I mean, I'm hearing from the young one all the time, which is awesome, but this heart thing, it's mind blowing.  I feel constantly dis-placed and un-anchored.  Not to mention the 2, 4 or 6 times I'm up in the middle of the night.  Sometimes just because, other times for a snack and other times beause my time clock is not synced into the other side of the world right, as I'm writing this.  I haven't learnt how to live in the Psychic Realm with the Silver Cord, communicating in different time zones yet.

And I can't be round people.  

It's very Alice-in-Wonderland-y.

But it's actually having a good (ish) end result.  I'm working on myself harder than I have in I don't know how long.  I'm watching my food every minute of the day.  I'm working harder with the Clair-senses, not just with my horses but with my humans.  And I'm trying to be a really great person.

Which is kind of working and kind of not.

I'm still firing people if they do a shoddy job.

I'm still saying no to peeps offering me drugs, however, I thank you for thinking of me.

I thank the people that are offering to get possum-skunk-drunk with me.  That's not my bag and it isn't going to help, but I appreciate the offer.

I also thank the multude of men who are offering me random sex.   The married ones, the super young ones, the I don't want romance, but would be keen for regular, awesome know, like adults do, the Whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want-party-orgy type guys, the I've been single 261 days and need somebody and (my personal favourite) Mr My mum just died, I'm rich, can we have sex guy, not to mention everybody else in between who's looking for an Instant Gratification jobby.  

I thank you, but no.  I am not interested in a $2 Macca's job.  

And...drum roll hair is whiter now than it was a week ago.  The colour of it is literally falling off.  It's weirdly attractive.

Anyhou, moving right along, Spirit are here to walk me through this space, and I am willingly (admitedly blindly) walking with them.  It is an odd time and it is not the most pleasant, but it is our destined time and what will come is worth what I, and the young one, are walking through.

But I swear, the next person who says I'm so lucky and always get an easy ride, I absolutely swear, hand on hoof, I am going to smack them in the snout with a wet fish.


No surprises there tonight, baby.

Nana and I had this conversation at 11.17 this morning.


So when I woke up in the early hours of this morning *ping*, I just rolled over, turned on my phone, text chatted the young one a couple of times, then rolled back over and went to sleep.   That worked really well.

Next I got up and had this fabulous email about herbs sitting in my inbox.  We've been in negotiations to bring some into New Zealand, and not only does one of the people have personal knowledge of the herbs because they lived there, but we have been offered samples to make sure the quality is up to the standard we require.  I had only ever wanted herbs for my personal use and our horses here, but we have been offered 1, 3, 5 ,10kg or whichever way we want, in whatever quanitity we wish, bagged herbs.  At a minimum of 25kgs per herb.

Vitamin C and all the herbs that we desire.

At a price which doesn't have a 9 million percent mark up.

Well, well, well eh?

I am cautiously optimistic...or quietly confident, depending on which way you look at it.

Who am I kidding?

I'm super excited and really hope we can make this all work.

But you know what the funniest thing is?  This whole thing only happened because I was talking to a mate and said, I'm not going to be held to ransom, I'll put the word out and see what happens....

Almost of the pictures the young one sent me, I've already been there.  I do a huge amount of Astral Travelling and there is the bendy bit of the highway, straight bits and then the water.

Try explaining that to a non-believer.


Oh no!  Az has been sneaking extra food, pigging into the grass and has sugar hooves!

Roughly translated to: his hoof in the front is sore and he has packed on the weight.  He is currently, as I am writing this, on limited food, no sugar and in a very limited grass paddock with the mini's.  

I am keeping an extremely beady eye on everyone's food intake now.


It's 24 hours later and already Az is noticeably better.  But I also went to my go to herb which always gets me results.  


I wish that Cappy and Mumma would 100% not come racing up the hill, then down, towards me at full tilt though.  I literally stand there watching them hoon up, then slide at full speed down. 

And before you ask, yes, I do move out of the way, because every single time Mumma over shoots and skids across the concrete.  


And wait, just before I go, Suz is good.  She often comes up and says, Hi! has a bit of a chat and a snack. 

Not exactly perfect, but not too shoddy either.


So that's been our week:

The bigggest thing is that I've crossed the Invisible Line and I won't fall down the rabbit hole.  When I could have faltered and gone the Instant Gratification route, I didn't.  And I won't.  And for that I am truly grateful.  That when I needed my belief system to stand strong, it did. 

So, I'm not saying there won't be bad days or that all my challenges are behind me, no, no that would be inaccurate. 

However, 100% guaranteed, I won't fall down the rabbit hole.

Mucho Spirit, awesome horses and the odd peep thrown in to keep me sane in the times I haven't spoken about this week.

Big hugs and horsey kisses from us here, to you there.
Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, the Big E, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Little Boo
** mutter**  **mutter**  National.