Horse Sense....



3 Degrees this morning!

Whooo! That's a Whoooo! baby.


Mumma's happy and the herd is working really, really well.

The interesting thing is that the little ones down the road are also fantastically happy.  

No jackets and it is just as cold where they are.  They possibly could have better tree protection, but even so, it's freaking freezing and they are bouncing around with not a care in the world.

That's as it should be, mind, but even so, it's 3 bloody degrees.

However, all the big horses around them in the surronding paddocks, are all rugged up.  

I have to say, even though Mumma is all rugged up, I'm not sold on it, because I'm watching the foals be fine.  

Better than fine.

I'm going to have to shelve this for the time being until more information comes my way, but let's leave it at, I did the right thing for Mumma rugging her up, but if horses need jackets, why are the little ones fine?


2 Degrees!!

I have to say that Mumma is one happy camper.  She came up to me this morning and was like, I love you, come and give your Mares a kissy.

Bloody finally, is all I can say.

Foals still fine but if I'm being honest, it's a little Alice in Wonderland-y for me.

Everyone is telling me that horses absolutely have to have jackets which is cool, but if they have to have jackets then how come the little ones are fine?

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


Things are happening so quickly here, it's scary.

Spirit are like,  No, no, no....maybe...yes....

So in some respects it is a waiting period, let me explain:

The biggest difference that happened for me and my industry re Covid, is that people lost their Moral Compass.  I mean, think of a piece of A4 paper and then draw a line, straight down the middle.  That line is your Moral Compass.  People mostly sat on the left side, periodically thought of the right, but didn't do anything about it.  

Well, 10 weeks of having your freedom taken away, lack of money and mucho time, people crossed that line.  And not just one or two.  Lots of people crossed that line.

In hindsight, that was an obvious side effect, but you know, I never would have thought so many people would do that.  Or in the ways that they have.  It's been mind blowing. 

Anyway, it's not my place to judge.  And you know that Spirit are always, You just mind your own business, and do your work, Missy.  So I just do what I do and get on with things. But it's a super interesting time on this side of the computer.  

So that's why there are so many Yes, No's and Maybe's with Spirit at the moment.  And why the Energy is so quick.  It's like walking a fucking minefield at the moment.  And what people forget is that it is not just the immediate person who has crossed the line, that it affects, but all the people connected to the person. And the majority of the time the people connected, don't even know.  I mean, seriously, why would you not trust someone so close to you?

That's the bitch of my work.  When I have to sit and say nothing.  But anyway, enough of that, that's why the doors in some areas are still open.

And normally when I joke around that Energy is like riding a wave, this is a Tsunami.  Some things are a waiting period because Spirit are like, No, not while this is happening... yet other times they are, Do this now.

One of the funniest things is I had really wanted something, but I thought I had little to no chance.  It sat in the box of, That would be really great but... anyway, there I was the other day going, I wish... and Spirit went, Do it, send them an email.   

So I did, working on the theory that a No wasn't going to kill me.

Waited 24 hours and nothing.

Right at the last moment, on an early Friday evening, I got a Yes! and it's all done.

It was so easy, it was a Woooooooo.....

I am now working very, very hard not to freak out that I have bitten off more than I can chew.


So that's been our week:  Scary in it's intensity, and a little crazy in the fast pacedness of it.  But there's also a feeling of excitement.  There's lots of new doors opening, yet there are some old doors which are showing themselves to be strong and flexible.  Actually, that's not the right word, let's say bendy.  

Because they're not crumbling.  They look as if they will stand the test of time.   

Of course, time will tell, but so far, fingers crossed and hooves tapped, it's looking positive, and I couldn't be happier.

Big hugs and horsey kisses from us here, to you there.
Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, the Big E, and of course, my beautiful Mumma Bear, Belle and Little Boo