Horse Sense....



I went to see one of my friends the other day.  She'd been away having stuff done, but when I saw her she was like, Look...look at me, Tania.  Look what they've done...

She was right.

You know, I understand that science doesn't believe in my way, in herbs and touch and healing from the inside out, and that's your right, but you know, when you say, We've fixed your horse... you don't have the right to send him (or her) back broken.

Alive is not fixed.

Shame on you.


A fantastic time down in Cambridge today!  A bit of a rocky start in the morning, but to be fair it's Full Moon.  On a funny note, just 30 minutes beforehand I had been saying to my other friends that they needed to be careful, because the Energy was high and around Full Moon, things have a tendency to go from 0 to 100 in 3 seconds flat.  Should have taken my own advice.  Anyway, it all blew over pretty quick and apart from a few ruffled feathers, no harm done.  Although it was a reminder to me again, that there is a whole Universe between Truth and Kindness.


Another awesome day at Cambridge!  Although this too, didn't go as planned.  To be fair though, we are smack bang in Full Moon Cancerian Eclipse Energy, so that I am even standing, is a good testament to how I have learnt to ride Energy.  Anyway, horse in front got a little fright, had breathing problems, did a little stagger and promptly lay down in middle of track, stopping race.

Horse and driver both fine - no damage done to either.

It was a nice drive down anyway, and I love being with the horses in whatever way they are given to me, for however long.

But while I'm talking about this, I'm seeing people being given some awesome opportunities at the moment.  I don't know whether they'll take them but you know, I truly hope they grab them with both hands and run with them.  

Actually, I'm feeling a little witchy, so let's have a quick tutu about this eclipse.  

Quick overview - it's breaking shite down, baby.  

It disrupts, causes chaos and breaks things down to either fall together properly or for a better door to open.  It's a really vulnerable and fragile time though, and things will change in an instant.  

It's also a non-controlling time.  And what I mean by this is that expect the unexpected.  You're not going to be in the driving seat, not because you've lost control, but because a better road map has opened up, and you're heading towards it.  

You just don't know it yet.

But the harder you fight to keep the status quo, the more chaos is coming knocking.  

So if you really want to be rocking this gorgeous Cancerian Eclipse Energy, let go.  Of expectations, what you should do or what society expects.

Do what you want, when you want, how you want, with whomever you please.

You're going to be surprised with the results.


Similar but different, do you remember when I said that I had to see an ear specialist on a regular basis?  Finally, I got it right.  I will still need to see him, which is no problem, he's a nice guy,  but for the last 8 weeks I have got the balance perfectly right.  

I'm proud of myself for that, that's a big thing.

Actually, it's pretty fucking huge.


So, that's been our week: It's been really lovely to just be with the horses.  I understand how truly lucky I am, and try to consistently be better than I was the day before.  More intune, smarter and clearer in my Energy.  My outside horses are getting good results, my horses at home are cruizy and loving this weather and Mares, Belle and Little Boo are awesomeness.  

My horses love no jackets because the sun gives Vitamin D and Folic Acid.  Creating healthy bones, strong muscles and a healthy headspace.  I'm loving our natural wormer because my horses are thriving.  I'm mostly happy with our food at the moment, although tweaking a few things at home for Suz and Az, and not using herbs, because we just don't need them right now.     

And everyone loves Touch/play.

I'm super proud of what we're accomplishing, because my horses look strong and vibrant and amazeballs

The only odd thing is that my DNA hurts.  I thought this was because the young one was back in Dunedin then off to America, but that's not true, I'm talking/texting him all the time.  But my heart is aching and there are whispers which are making it unsettled.

Someone's calling me.

Wishing you much love my friends, and of course, my humans.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, Elvis and of course my beautiful Mares, Belle and Little Boo
