Horse Sense....



Oh look!  I've met a new neighbour.

Ben (who lives up the road and on the hill) politely banged on my door at 6.50 this morning to let me know that my mini's were out.

Then asked if I need help getting them in.

To be fair I was up however, maybe not actually out of bed.  I threw on some clothes and yelled back, No, I'm good.  

On a positive note, Suz was inside, she hadn't gone anywhere.  But the funny thing was Ralph and Chew had gone to the neighbours pony down the road and were having a chitchat and a play.  The horse lives by himself and must have been lonely.  Chew's good like that.

They came home when I called.  I gave them a little growl but a) they did come home straight away and b) I try not to growl too much when they are doing good work.  

Ben obviously did not believe me because he kind of hovered until a) we had physically met b) I'd found the mini's and c) the mini's had come home.

Thank you, Ben.

Suz, quite obviously, is never planning on moving out of our home again.  


Waiting patiently for Elvis's balls and tail to fall off.  Off to Cambridge tonight, but he is not allowed to come.


Great night down in Cambridge tonight.  I love the vibe - it's a little random and that really works for me.  Found out a couple of things, well, one thing that had been bugging the fuck out of me for months.  I knew I was right!  I'm truly sorry I was but you know, it's good to know my witchy stick still works.  A couple of other random things happened which I was really happy about, but I'll just sit in this Energy and wait, I have time and you know, Hungry Ghost Month.  

I also have to say that I truly hope something is not going to work the way I think it is.  I'm like, Please, please do not make that choice... 

And on a positive note: If I can't hang out with another Psychic then I'll take my 81 year old Nana.  

She's fucking cool.

love Riding the Energy in Full Moon - you never know how it'll go.  

And there's always a wild card.


I'm craving nuts.  

I never eats nuts and I got up today and my body was like, Baby girl, you find us some nuts before we go psycho ex on you... 

And I've been munching out on them ever since.

I'm also pretty sure my boobs have enlarged.  Well, they seem to be popping out everywhere.  

I think it's the herbs that I'm handling at the moment though - they're full of estrogen and all nurturing type goodness which is amazing for Mares and baby Mares, so I must be ingesting their goodness somehow when I'm mixing the feeds up.  

The other theory is that I am literally being pregnant with Mares.  

Take your pick, whatever works for you.

On a positive note my hair is amazing and growing like nobodies business, my skin is good and overall I am happy, emotionally balanced and well.  


Mares baby Daddy's first colt in NZ just came 2nd again in Addington.  Friday 16th August, Addington, Race 2.

Yeah, baby!  Nice one, Blair xx

Mares baby Daddy second NZ colt to hit the track also had his first race last tonight in Addinton.  Race 9, number 8.  He did not win nor place. Blair did not drive.


My boobs are definitely bigger.  Like almost need to buy a new bra bigger.  I'm starting to freak out a little bit actually.  Because the rest of me is not growing, just that bit and guys are starting to stare quite noticeably.  Actually, now I think about it, this must have been happening for a while because there have been some odd breast comments over the last month or so.  To be fair, I just thought the guys were a bit odd.  

And the word that we are looking for is, Couvade or Sympathetic Pregnancy although neither of these feel right.  That's not what we're dealing with here.  

I am going to completely freak out if I start producing milk though.


Weather's been crap so two visits to Mares today.  To say she was pleased to see me is an underestimation.  

Put Chew and Ralph on a lead on the driveway to munch on the grass because our lawn guy has gone AWOL.  Took Ralph less than 15 minutes to untie himself and walk up and hang out by the house with Suz.  Chew stayed on driveway all day but didn't know whether he was happy to have all this grass or pissed off that he wasn't off the lead, so was both happy and sulking.

And Elvis has grown up.  He doesn't like being outside in the rain so is like, Let me in... everytime I keep him outside.  Bloody great puss.

However, he follows me everywhere and has some quite delightful manners.  He sleeps in his microwave box in my room at night.  He jumped out the other night, I put him back in, he jumped out again.  I put him in the bathroom to sleep.

No more jumping out of boxes issues when it's bedtime.  

But the funniest thing is that he's now he's bigger he's taken to making flying leaps onto me on the couch.  That's fine when I'm not juggling drinks, laptop and/or food...

And last but not least, I've been driving Nana nuts with pictures of Mares and baby Mares and freaking out about his size.  She's been like, Haven't you just said you've done the jigsaw puzzle right?  


And then she tells me another successful race horse story.

So that's been our week: It's been some huge fun, lots of laughter, some weird ass shite and of course, some magic combined with sun, rain and bitterly cold winds.  

Wishing you much love my friends, and of course, my humans.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, Fenny, Flash, Gino (who's growing HUGE), Elvis and of course, my darling Mares and baby Mares.


Ok, now I'm stuck on this whole Phantom-Couvade-Sympathetic Pregnancy thing.  

So where I'm standing with this is: right from the start of Mares pregnancy, I've been whinging about eating more and cravings.  In fact, remember, I actually had to physically track every calorie I ate.  

Yes, I'm sensitive to Energy and yes, I ride Energy but I know better than to fall into Energy.  Which technically is exactly what I'm talking about here.  Also, even in a Phantom-Couvade-Sympathetic Pregnancy it shouldn't be able to cross species.

Which we now know is untrue.

So the questions I have are these:

1) What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Did the Touch/Play start this Phantom-Couvade-Sympathetic Pregnancy or is it like the Dominant Uterus where a group of women who live, flat or socialise together all sync in with their periods.  

As we know, horses are more dominant therefore, Mares would have been the Dominant Uterus and I fell into the pregnancy unknowingly.  This could have a basis because I have talked before of having a 3 week cycle and syncing in with Mares.

If this is true though, how come I haven't heard of this before?

Does it happen with other women?  Has it happened?  Why is there no documentation on it?

and my big question...

If I can feel Mares, and am walking this journey with her, can she feel me too?

** Did I mention I've also developed a 99 cent bladder?  

It's uncomfortable, upset, irritable and generally a gigantic pain in the ass, with me wanting to pee roughly anytime I'm not in seeing distance of a toilet.

I'm trying to work with my food, herbs, vitamins, actually, any damn thing I can, to see how I can change things round, and what could possibly be upsetting it.  

Actually, I'm taking all human limitations out of things, and working on the very bizarre possibility that if I am hearing and feeling Mares Energy then she is feeling very uncomfortable right now, and I need to get my shite together.