Horse Sense....



Ok, you have no idea how much not being able to lead Mares up is annoying me.

But wait, I can lead other horses at the stables.  Not all of them, granted, but more than one of them and I can lead when we're out racing at Alex.  Again, not the scary ones but normally one.  

So I said to Spirit, you need to help here to get my head straight, and then a weird thing happened this morning.  One of my mates put out that they were looking for help at the Standbred Mixed Sales.  Thinking it was my mate asking, I texted her, but it worked out that it was another person I knew.  I really respect the guy, so called him, explained that I wasn't as experienced as the people he had working for him (well, that's not exactly untrue) but I was happy to muck out, do all the jobs that no one else wanted to do etc... so I'm catching up with him on Sunday after seeing the yearlings to have a chat.  

Maybe this whole thing with Mares is just a confidence thing for me, because Mares is absolutely beautiful and really lovely.  So if it's a confidence thing, be around more horses and people that are really confident around horses, and hopefully I can borrow their confidence until I get my own. 

Well, that's my new plan A.  


Ok, so we've had a couple of things happen today which we should talk about:

The first thing being, Mares needs another vitamin/mineral/herb added to her feed.  First I ran out of one of her vitamins 2 days ago, then I go down to buy some today and the lady's on bloody holiday.  

Who goes on holiday at this time of year?  


Add onto that the weather has got colder, and the rains nasty.  And then Mares was like, Yo! Sister...  

Right.  Find something to add.

Secondly, I was having a conversation re this subject and a few choice questions got asked which are really good ones, which you and I should talk about:

If you can talk with horses, then why can't Mares just tell you what vitamin/mineral/herb she needs and you go down the road and get it?

This is a surprisingly good question.  

The answer is simple - we have a language blockage.  If you think of Mares sense of smell and taste (Clair-olfactory) as being a 1000 times better than a human, then she can smell what she needs by sweet, salty, sour etc.  Humans overall have names for everything - sweet, salty, sour etc.  I can touch the Energy and feel whether Mares is sweet, salty, sour etc however, Mares doesn't know the name so she's like, You know that salty plant that has those long leaves, furry on the underside, white flowers, can be prickly... but then she's adding, You pick it at 10am to use the salt, 3.17pm if you want to bring in the sweet, in winter for mares, in summer it's great for stallions. Don't confuse it with the the other green plant that is furry all over...  

If you think that Mares has 10,000 plants she can use (or 2000 plants that have mulitple uses depending on time, season, weather, mare, stallion, foal...), we as humans, have 300 - and use them in one, possibly two, ways.  We're super underdeveloped.  So I have to feel my way.

Why does she need more vitamins/minerals/herbs when her bloods are all good and she looks great?

Another excellent question, 99!  Because Energy is not stable, Energy constantly moves.  So I have to be consistently running with the Energy.  Just because I've got it right at this exact point in time means nothing apart from...

I've got it right at this exact moment in time.

Why do you keep changing the vitamins/minerals/herbs?

I like it when you ask smart questions like this!  

Well, think of a woman's monthly cycle - a horse, especially a pregnant mare, has high and low Energy points, think rainy, cold winter days vs 40 degree sunshiny days, so I have to run with the Energy to ride these peaks and troughs.  This is an extremely simplified explaination but is what I talk about when I say, Ride the Energy.

If you forget every other thing I talk about, remember this...

Stop, listen, ride the Energy.

Oooooohhhhh....almost forgot, How do I know what the Energy is saying and that Mares needs extra vitmains/minerals/herbs?

That's so easy.  One day I'm with her and it's like I'm wearing a coat that doesn't fit right.  It just feels wrong.

And we were at Alex tonight.  The Energy was a little off.  But sometimes that happens and bear in mind that I'm working very hard riding the Energy with Mares, so that does, and will, spill into my human world.  

You cannot contain this work, put it in a box and turn it off, nor do I ever want to be able to.

Oh, almost forgot, one of my buddies was there tonight and he was like, What is the point of me talking with you when you don't do anything?

Actually, I didn't say I didn't do anything, I said I can't do anything.  Big difference, buddy.  Come here and have an ear scratch...

And as I'm writing this, there's a bloody mouse or four playing behind my stove.  Go on, ask me how I know?

Well, I told them to shut up otherwise I was ringing the exterminator tomorrow and Hello! there is silence.  Not.  One.  Sound.

And bloody 6 mice have moved into my shed.  I actually don't think they eat the mouse poision and die, I think they just temporarily move into shed for a vacation, then move back into the house once I've calmed down.


Forgot to say that when I feed Mares a new herb, I tell her what it is, explain what it does or what I hope it should do, and then she shows me in the next 24 hours how it works for her, whether she likes it or not and then we both decide if it works like we want.  Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't do what we want but we do love it for other reasons and sometimes it's just a no.  

That's how we build our world.  

One smell to one herb, to one word, to one Energy.

And I've been talking to Nana about the whole leading Mares up thing and we decided I can't not talk to you about it.  If I don't speak, then I'm treating you like an idiot and you don't deserve that.  And secondly, how can we celebrate when I finally get it right, if you don't know that I'm getting it wrong somewhere?

Also, what if the talking that I am able to do is directly related to this? 


What a crazily cool, Spirit day.

Well, yesterday I was like, This is how I'm going to do tomorrow... 

I should have known better because it went nothing to plan.

First off, I slept in.  Then everything took way longer than normal.  Then it worked out I was supposed to be in two places at once.  


In the end I kind of gave up, because when things like this start happening then Spirit are walking with me, and they're putting me in the right place at the right time. So I stopped worrying about where I should be and just started doing what I wanted, and stopped looking at the clock.

Worked out it was the best thing I could have done.

Mares was great!  Love our new herb.  Started doing some new video's and we're really loving doing them, I might get tired of them soon because I may just not wish to talk anymore but right now, it's cool.  

Next was to see the little ones at Alabar.  That was mind blowing.  It was really interesting because earlier in the week I was freaking out about not being able to lead Mares up, but then I got there today and I fell into the magic again.  I started walking around and then Boom! we're talking and touching and it's like Alice in Wonderland.  I can't explain it any better than that.  One minute I'm one way, and the next I'm falling into this space.

The horses are all talking nineteen to the dozen, then we're touching and playing and being.  

And I would live a thousand lifetimes to be able to do this.

Turned up to my next invitation 3 hours late, and was warmly welcomed, fed and watered - thank you so much, Tj.

Saw Mares again, came home and saw my home peeps and then onto my human peeps and now you.

So, that's been our week:  Some things I am completely freaking out on, yet other things are working brilliantly, and surprisingly, well.  

Kind of like, Well, I'll give that a go... and Boom! something magical is happening.  

To be fair though, I have no idea whether I'm Arthur or Martha most days at the moment.  I'll be thinking, Ok, things are this way... and then something happens and I'll go, Ok, that was a wild card... and it just keeps on going.  There's no rhyme nor reason to it.  

I'm just getting up and showing up.

Take everything this week, because it's all important.

Wishing you much love my friends, and of course, my humans.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, Peanut, Fenny, Flash (who still hasn't had her bloody calf) and of course, my beautiful Mares and baby Mares.


I was having a chat with my horses at home today, Az and Caps.  Well, it worked out Az stood at the fence staring at me until I talked back.  He was like, Why aren't you playing with me?  I miss you...  so then we had a bit of a chat and he's right, I haven't been playing with them.  We had a bit more of a chitchat about things and then he went and played down at the bottom paddock and I went out.  

I came back later and then Caps is having a chat to me, and I'm talking with him about stuff that's going on, and he's a dude.  He's like, Come here, I love you, scratch my ears while you're talking... and he's chatting away to me, and I'm talking back.  

We're going to be ok.

** Ooooohhhh almost forgot, if I was the kind of girl to have random, casual sex with "no strings"...



I'd be tapping that.

* Not actual picture of my friend, I promised I wouldn't put his pic up.

Thanks for the vid's though, I really enjoyed them xx