Horse Sense....



And mares has just realized her food has actually changed, it's not just a one feed change, and she is not a happy camper.

There's been lots of hoof stomping, tail movings and back flapping of ears, but it came down to this one little thing...

I'm not eating that and you can't make me. 

Hoof stomp.


No races this week so I only had one outside visit.  It was cool, super cool actually.  I was chatting away to one of the horses and we were doing well, then we weren't.  Now let me explain, when a horse talks to me then my responsibility is to a) listen b) communicate back and c) pass on those messages to the powers that be.

Well, I did fine with the listening part.  I even did quite well with the communicating part between the two of us and then I heard what he said.  And that's where the problem lay.  There was not one thing I could do about it.  So he stopped talking with me and gave me a little nip as he passed.

To be fair, I would have nipped me too.


On another note, Mares and I have hit another emotional plateau.  It's happened with every horse I have had.  You talk, talk, talk, play, play, play and then all of a sudden they hit a speedwobble and go, Oh no, no, no...I cannot love you, you are a human, I am a horse.  And then they completely emotionally back off, do a little freak out about inter-species communication and love (no, not the biblical kind) and then Boom! you're on a different, deeper but higher level again.  

Mares and I are at that space.

It's fragile and delicate and needs to be respected.

It was funny though because I had a conversation today with one of my peeps, and I was talking about this emotional depth and she said, I don't want that depth of love with a horse, I would never be able to sell them on.   

And I said to her, See, I can't live without that depth.  It's what makes me breathe.  

But then, on a completely random note, I had almost the exact conversation (but referring to humans), with another mate, and I said, I am shocking at small talk, I have no interest in it and it doesn't matter whether I know you really well, or just met you, I have to have that deepness.

And my mate said, No, I don't.  I don't want it and I don't need it.

And I said almost the exact same thing again, See, I can't live without that depth.  It's what makes me breathe.  

It's very odd for me to use the same phrase, on two completely different topics, with two very different friends, on the same day, only hours apart.


And no surprises...the Healing Stones are back on.

The good news is that I kind of got it earlier than normal (Yah!) and it's a totally different healing place.  We got the trauma mostly out before I used the Stones (and pretty stress free) and then the trauma got stuck on the Root Chakra and Boom! things got a bit ugly.  The Root Chakra works with safety - emotional, physical and financial.  Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self.  Support, and the foundation of living and how we live our lives.  

This directly ties in which what I've been working with, with Spirit and horses, and also outside things, like the Christchurch massacre and where I actually stand with things.  Especially when my son is in direct opposition to me and some of my beliefs.  

Compassion vs Oppresson.  

However, blockages happen around this Root Chakra (lowest part of your spine/tailbone) when there are lies, deceit, fear of "lack of..." around money, boundaries are being trodden on, promises are broken and/or people are taking what they haven't earnt.  

And a couple of stories have come up from my past, which are annoying me.  And I mean way younger, growing up years.  Which is weird because in the big scheme of things, they're not big, but I guess they kind of are.  They used to come up in conversations as, Let me tell you something funny... which I'm kind of looking at now and going, no one ever laughed apart from the person telling the story. 

But not one person, hearing it for the first time, ever said, Uuuummmm...that's not actually funny.  

Neither did the people who had heard the story 20 million times before.

Anyway, I went from being a bit tired, to really tired, to my lower back swollen and aching, to almost couldn't move.  

Down to my Spiritual Pools, more Stones and generally putting a Working with Spirit, Do Not Disturb sign out.

I love the way that this frequency works when I get it right, but it's sure not for the faint hearted. 


Weather's crap today.  Horses at home are happy.  Suz is making huge emotional inroads with me and Mares is happy.  But she also knows I'm on her side re food, so we're working together.  

So that's been our week:  It's been a surprisingly hard emotional work week.  Not hard as in draining, but I haven't been able to hide anywhere.  

Wishing you much love my friends and of course, my humans.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, Peanut, Fenny, Flash + 1 (she absolutely refuses to give birth), and of course, my beautiful Mares and baby Mares.


The stones are working brilliantly, I'm still swollen but the balance is coming back.  But on a funny note, I am peeing a full bladder three times a night, from about 11pm until 7 which is when I normally get up, and have my forth (4th) full bladder.  This is crazy shite.

** That bloody cow is refusing to calf.  I mean, seriously, I swear, hand on hoof, she is literally sucking it in by sheer force alone.  

Anyway, I say to her every time I see her, Calf your calf.  And every single time she is like, Nope.

Today she was like, Do you have any plans this weekend?

I was like, Funny you should ask, one of my friends is turning...wait...