Horse Sense....



So it's been quiet here.

I have just had the pleasure of being with the horses.  

We have hung out, chatted, had a bit of play/touch and generally just been together.

Went down to Cambridge and that was cool, then was at Alex and that was just perfect.

I loved at Alex that I was able to chat away and touch two horses that weren't ours.  That's been a long time coming.  I would have worked maybe two years to get to this point where people are like, She's good with the horses, her touching them is a good thing.  

I'm still wary, naturally, like I've got caught with my hand in the cookie jar but this isn't accurate anymore.  People are happy that I touch their horse and the horses love it.  In fact, I get all kinds of horses chatting away to me now but it's still sad when a horses is like, Hey, touch me here... and I can't because I don't know their person.  However, two different horses is a huge achievement.  I have my eye on some other horses but you know, this will happen in time.

The other funny thing is people ask the name of when I am with the horses, and I've just started to say, Call it Miri-Miri or massage or touch/play.  Actually, call it whatever you want.  We don't care.

I'm also working more with my outside horses.  It's good to have a text, Hey **** is not ok.  And I'm off to see them.  It's funny though, I was talking to my mate the other day and I said, You know, I've been working with the Clair-senses for over 25 years now.  I thought when I started with the horses that I knew my stuff.  I thought I was pretty damn good.  Then I realized how little I knew.  That I was a babe in the woods and knew nothing of substance.  It was the horses who took me in, loved me and then taught me.

This has, and continues to be, a super awesome journey.

And that's kind of what this week's been about, just being.  Talking and listening, touching and playing.  The more I touch, the more I realize it's a full and complete language.  That there are words and letters, colours and emotions, complete sentences and full on conversations.  I love this.  But it's also making things super fun in my human life.  When you use touch as language everything becomes different.  I've started to experiment, slowly dipping my toe in the water and I've been quite suprised at the results.  Very surprised in some respects because touch, in one instance, was used as a first language too.  

So, that's been our week: touch, touch, touch and more touch.   

You know, I would love to be able to freely walk, chat and touch the horses as they call me at Alex, any races actually, but I'm doing ok.  Two horses was a huge achievement from last year because remember, I nearly got my ass kicked out and almost got into a physical fight.  

I have high hopes for next year.

Wishing you much love my friends and of course, my humans.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suz, Peanut, Buzz, Fenny, Flash, babies and of course, my darling Mares and baby Mares.


When it's feeding time Caps stands there and waits until I call Az to come and sort out Buzz.  Az loves his job.

** When I refer to touch as a first language, I am not giving you permission to come up and randomly start stroking me.  

Touch/play is a delicate, deeply fragile and beautiful soul language.

Respect it.