Horse Sense....



Ok, so everything's settled down at home.

Hefner and the playgirls are on baleage twice a day, Hef's a bit miffy as he wants his hard feed twice a day but you know, I'm the boss and baleage works better for him.  He looks beautiful and plump, sleek and juicy though which let's face it, is the most important thing when you are a bull.  

The girls want what Hef baby wants.

And as I'm writing this Chew is sulking.  And so he should be, he has been a little naughty.

So, it goes like this...

I said to the little ones, Come out and play round the house but DO NOT go into the shed and eat the food in the bins.  I will not be happy and will pop you back in your paddock.

The little ones understood and sedately walked out of their paddock.  

I look out the window later and I can see three mini's happily munching on grass round the house.  The fourth is no where to be seen.  I count again to make sure but no, no Chew.  

I stop what I am doing and go to the shed and Hello! who do you think is eating the it just fell over, fallen over bin of feed?



Everyone else is like, I'm a good mini...

Hence, Chew back in paddock, in time out, sulking.

And Mares is doing well.  She's very protective of her baby Mares and that is good.  She's an excellent Mum.  There is one odd thing though, she's developed this white fur circle on her leg.  It is literally an overnight white patch of fur which has turned up.  It is odd but another horse had it at the stables a few months ago.  All of a sudden one spot appeared and within 2 months she looked like an Appoloosa.  Weird.  So Mares only has one spot as I'm writing this but if it's the same thing then she will get spot after spot after spot.  However, apart from both horses being girls they have nothing else in common.  They have not been in the same paddock, ate the same food or are the same colour...nothing.  I will keep a super close eye on things and keep taking photo's.  If it's the same thing though, apart from the weirdness, it's kind of cool.  

And the herbs are working well.  I love working with them, riding the Energy, it's a beautiful work of art.  And no, before you ask, the herbs are not causing this as the other horse never ever had herbs.


And the races tonight were cool.  Saturday night this week for us rather than Friday, but it had a super cruisy vibe to it and we all had fun.  When we got home we put the horses back in the paddock which was a bit of fun considering it was a fair way away from the stables in the pitch black - that was fun.  I couldn't see so the horse and I were doing it by Faith?  Luck?  Hope?  Anyway, Missy was fine and happily took the both of us back.  Then we hooned round in the dark, on the can am feeding the ones we'd just put out.  I loved the vibe tonight, it was awesome from start to finish and I can see how things might fall into place.  No guarantees of course, but I like the light that I am seeing shining.


So, I wander down to feed Mares this morning and she runs up to meet me.  I did have the brief (but mistaken) hope that she had just missed me and wanted a bit of a snuggle but no, it worked out she wanted more feed.  As she put it, Tania, I'm hungry and you need to feed me more.  US more.  And then the little trollop stomped her hoof on the ground.  Actually, stomped.  Like a teenage girl throwing a temper tantrum.  We had a bit of a chit chat about manners (hers) and then spoke about all she had to do was ask and I would up her feed.  Which I then had to do because to be fair, you can't say, Hey, talk to me and I'll listen and then not.  

Anyway, I fed her original feed, then went back and got additional feed but wait, if you have a sense of humour, she's muching away, tail swishing, eyes closed and she's thanking me.  

It's an odd life, baby.


I swear, hand on heart, Mares is taking me by the hoof and leading me as to what vitamins and minerals she needs.  I'll be looking at her and the next minute boom we're riding the Energy, and all this information is bombarding me.  Images and pictures and words in all different forms come flying towards me.  And there I am changing her food.  Then when I'm feeding it to her I'm telling her what I've added and taken out and I swear, she's nodding, Yes, that's good.    

But it's not like I take something out and keep it out but rather, take it out, put it in on a daily or weekly, sometimes bi-monthly basis.  This frequency that I'm playing on is quite possibly the coolest thing in the entire Universe.  

Certainly, the coolest thing I have ever experienced.

I'm also being super careful with my personal food.  Breakfast is so important, if I get that wrong it upsets my whole day foodwise.  And I must have started eating just too much because my shorts are way, way too tight.  Back to counting calories.  Well, the counting is not the issue, keeping to the supposed calorie intake is.  Anyway, I'm being stricter on myself.  However, if I eat the food which is right for me personally, then it's not that big a deal.  

Interesting fact though, I was checking my herbal tea the other day, no particular reason, just you know, checked, and guess what?  


They had snuck stevia in when I wasn't looking.  And I wasn't looking because it was same brand that I normally use and it has never had stevia in it before.  However, it was different herbal tea (same brand) but it did state on packet, NO SUGAR.  

Naughty, naughty.  Big naughty actually, as I'm not a fan of stevia.  I don't believe it's a good sugar substitute and always avoid it, so I'm a bit muppety that I had been drinking it when I didn't realize.

Just goes to prove that periodically you need to check the back of your food packets.

Anyway, this week's been cool.  I'm doing the super fun things that I love the most...running with Energy, talking with horses. 

Wishing you much love my friends and of course, my humans.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suzie Q, Peanut, Hugh Hefner and the Playgirl bunnies, Mares and baby Mares.


I truly blieve that horses are grateful when you pick up their poo.  I've seen it when we're at the races, and they're waiting.  They're all full of Energy and bouncing around the place and then Boom! they go quiet and stare at you.  

Ummmmmmmmmm....can you get the shovel please, there's some poo....

** There was a bull bellowing at the top of his lungs this morning.  Well, yesterday morning as well.  And at night when I feed out.  Surprisingly enough though, for once the bull I am whinging about is not ours.  However, he is one antsy bull and he is seriously unhappy.  I don't wish him and Hugh to be friends, in fact, I can see mucho problems here if I'm not careful.  

On a positive note, I do talk with him whenever I see him.

He just bellows louder.

*** Mary's got rainscald.  She is literally shedding old manky fur and the new fabulous fur has not grown through yet.  We're in our duckling to swan transition stage.  However, on a positive note, her personality (as I'm writing this) is very calm and zen like  right now.  Crossed fingers I've got something else right.

**** I have to mention this because I said I would talk about both the things that worked but also the things that did not.  This is a did not.  Anyway, this frequency sometimes gets me into trouble with humans.  Mostly I can switch frequencies quite well, but sometimes I'm in horse without realizing it.  90% of the time, no problemo.  However, there's this 10% part which sometimes I stumble with.  Not with the horses no no they're fine.  But a human can talk with me and I'm there, but not.  Because I'm chatting and listening in horse which to be fair, is normally more interesting.  So, I can be told something (re gear normally), hear but not process and then go and redo what I shouldn't.  This happened again today.  I don't want to use the word stupid and blonde because they're not true however, if you don't believe in this frequency,  those words would only be true.  

How weird is that?  

However, even when these little episodes happen, I would still, 100% of the time, choose to be able to do this. 

It's slightly annoying though that sometimes people think I'm thick.

Oh, and I almost you remember that plant that I lovingly nicked, planted at home and carefully nurtured?

Well, it died.

Actually, that's not 100% accurate.  Do you remember how I had to keep it away from Hugh and the girls because it was toxic to cattle?

Hugh ate it.