Horse Sense....



So, the funniest thing in the morning is when my guys and girls at home, see me come out the french doors and put on my boots.  They hoon up from the lake paddock, by-pass me and scoot round the corner, sliding down the hill to wait at fence for brekkie.

They're so super cute.

Suzie Q is still not particpating in having a hot shower and new jacket on but you know, she will.  However, she does come over for her banana in the morning.  She's just scared of having the halter on and like with all rescue mini's, once they find a place that treats them really well, they're not keen on being moved on, so won't be caught.  

I totally get this.

Mary is super cute.  She comes up from the paddock every morning and I wash her hooves, brush her and then do the hand check.  Finding where her balance is out, and how the food is that I have fed the day before.  Yesterdays didn't work.  Her tummy was all hot and she was a bit mouthy.  Changed feed back today to original, I will wait a few days for her to rebalance and then try new stuff.  It's the only way to go, let your horse tell you.  She's all sweet with me though and I'm super happy.  I am also releasing the muscles but it's too soon to do any actual work, they're too tightly wound, so I'll just go slow.  I'll leave her in the paddock tomorrow and let her chill out, it may not seem like she's doing much work, but she is.  

And Mr B just about had kittens when he saw how little I fed Mary.  He's made me give her more food.  It's all good.  He drives me a little bit nuts because we don't think the same about gut health/food and how important it is for a horses mental, physical and emotional well being and therefore, success.  But you know, he does have bucketloads more hands on experience and that has value, which I respect, and the conversations are stimulating.  And let's face it, if my belief system can't stand up to being challenged then there's something wrong.

Todays went:

If you think food is important, then how does this work...two stables, both having around 30 horses each, all horses fed the same, using two different competitors food, both have similiar wins and placing.  How does that work?

I believe that even though foods can be technically good, some are actually toxic for your body just because of your body's metabolism and the way it works.  

If I'm talking about humans, the Atkins Diet works for some people but not others.  I personally like the, Eat right for your Blood Type Philosophy, that works for me.  Because it talks about how you can take two people, give them the same food, one will lose weight and one will lose condition but put on weight.  

It's the same for horses.  

You will find that only a small percentage of horses are winning.  It's not across the board, where most are placing or winning.  Don't look at where things are going right for a few, look at why those that should be winning, are not. 


And Mary's started healing.  Different parts of her body are sore so she's a bit manky at the moment, and she's in times that by x2.  So, you know, interesting times today.  She was a bit, I'm not 100% sure I want to... coming around the track, calmed down a bit when I was Miri-Miriing her and was quite sociable when I put anti-flam on.  

Got not social when I put her back via the track, as the man (no names being mentioned here, but you know who you are, you little speed monster) reversed the tractor type thingy back towards us, and it was loud.  A couple of baby rears from Mary to tell me to get my sh*te together, but apart from my heart getting a bit of an adrenaline kick we were both fine and ok.  

I'm campaigning for a new paddock though (even though our one is lovely) because I want one closer to where we Miri-Miri and Massage but because she can be a bit naughty, so far that's been a bit of hard work.  As I'm writing this, I've got a definite maybe.  Well, that's better than a flat out, no.  Although to be fair, the paddock I really want is an absolute NO until we (that's Mary) can prove she can behave.   

Well, ok then.

However, I'm a teensy, tiny, smidgen of a better horsewoman than I was when I woke up this morning.


It's pelting down with rain this morning so I lazed in bed, then threw on some clothes, fed out my ones then hopped in the car and went to see Mary.  I never work with horses in weather like this because a) I set us up for success and dealing with cr*p weather and manky, healing horses is never an ideal situation and b) Time is on our side.  

Anyway, Mary was happy. Ish.  She wasn't keen on me touching her ears while she ate but did allow me to stroke her soggy neck.  

Not huge inroads to success today, but still a step forward.  

I have noticed a huge change in Energy around me over the last 2 to 3 days though so have spent the majority of today, rebalancing and rehealing, putting up boundaries, re-setting others and generally being kind.  

To myself.

Because I forgot how deeply beautiful, gentle and kind it is to work with the Clair-senses in this form.  That there is no ego.  There is just us.  And to work like that you have to go past the drama, past the sadness, past the past, dig deep to the soul, and then give everything you have.  


So, that's been our week:  Not a lot of actual work done but a huge amount of Clair-senses work.  

Shaking them up, dusting them off and getting back to the grass roots of how I work.

Wishing you much love my friends, and of course, my human.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Buzz-the-Bl**dy-Bull, Fenny and Flash - no mices to be seen but that doesn't mean they aren't here.


Friday races were good, none of our horses were racing so I was able to dress up a bit which was great, and the company was super fun.  One of my closest friends did have her horse race but it was her first race, and she's green so it was more of a practice run.  And I still need to get people to understand that my first choice for having a chat will always be a horse, but you know, it's a work in progress.  

** Congratulations on the Jewels xx

*** I've been getting the bad dreams again but to be fair, you can't work like this and hold grief in your soul. You have to forgive.

**** I'm super happy with Mary.  I've already seen a difference in her Energy and her physical way, ie: the condition of her coat and stuff, even though it's only been a week.  Not that there was anything wrong with how she was before, she was always looked after and looked after well.  She's just different now.  Not fully in the way she will be but you can see the journey she's started.  I wanted to take a photo today but I had left my phone at home which is truly bizarre.  I never do that.  Just Spirit playing.  Even they are, Back away from the Psychic, peeps.  Give her room to breathe... 

And on the weird and bizarre, apparently I had put Mary's cover on wrong and she had tied herself up this morning.  Weird as I know how to put a jacket on.  Thanks for fixing, Addy.

And Mary loves her anti-flam.  She's standing there telling me where she's sore and then Boom! she's going all soft in her Energy, licking her lips and her eyes are all mooshie saying, Damn, that's good.

***** And Mary and I just hit our frequency.  It's been pouring down most of the day but I fed out this morning with her and then came home, lit the fire and put on the stones.  Got a bit busy but then just as I was about to use the stones, I got the psychic text, I'm hungry...  I tried to ignore it because well, it was pelting down with rain and I was pretty sure I was doing ok with her food.  But see, this is the thing, once a horse is on the frequency they know that you can hear them.  So, I would pretend I couldn't hear her and she would be quiet for 10 minutes then, I'm hungry... 

In the end I put the stones back in the oven, stoked up the fire, got in the car, went down and fed her.  She heard me come because then she was like, And don't forget to put that herby stuff in.

Give a mare an inch...

****** We have our new paddock!!

******* Mary's decided that she doesn't like anti-flam anymore and as I'm writing this, I still don't have her food/herb ratio right.  

But as long as she keeps talking to me, we're on the right path.