Horse Sense....



Oh f*k.  I've just made a boo boo.

Actually, make that two.

1) I worked with a horse, got 85% success and, since we had got such good results and it wasn't difficult to get the last 15%, I decided that my services were no longer needed and left everyone to it.

That was a rookie mistake and I know better than that.

Well, put it this way, I most certainly do now.  Because there was a miscommunication and somehow Vitamin C got stopped and the legs were bandaged.  Pushing the infection back inside the legs.  

However, as much as that was a rookie mistake on my part, the next one was just a mistake (again, on me).

2) We had been taking photo's of the healing and it was fabulous.  Swelling down, wounds healing etc however, the pictures we took day 4 didn't show a huge difference.  They did when you saw it in person but not in the photo's and at the time there was a little niggly feeling saying, That's not right.  However, ego - no, not the horses - must have got in the way and I pooh pooh-ed my doubts away by saying, Different lighting, different times of day, different size photo's... and it wasn't that at all, the photo's showed us what the naked eye couldn't see, that the infection was better but was still there.  

So, as I'm writing this, the horse is upset, swollen and infected, owner of horse is crying and I'm well, kicking myself for looking but not seeing.  I won't be making that mistake again.

I need to be stronger with my boundaries though.  When I take on a horse, I need to state that, I oversee the horse until it is 100% fixed. However, long that takes. 


Horse is noticably better.  Owner much happier.  Bugs not so much.  I am feeling slightly (fingers crossed and holding my breath) optimistic.


We're getting results.  Swelling down, wounds clean and bubs is noticeably happier.  I'm checking him 3 times a day because a) I live less than a km away from him and b) I don't want this infection getting the best of me.  It is a worthy adversary and I need to bring my game.  I've now found out though that the situation we are fixing is over 2 years old.  No one's been able to fix it.  You know, I really need to work harder when people speak to me.  I misheard or heard and then threw out all the rest of the information like, We've had multiple Vets out, used every cream on the market and tried numerous Natural creams, balms etc and nothing has worked and just processed, Infection's been there a while.  Stupid, stupid girl.  

Anyway, now having gone back and heard the Energy properly I now believe that the infection has gone down to almost the bone.  That it's deep seated.  Not impossible to fix but I didn't respect the infection enough the first time.  However, I've got my game on now so we're on an even playing field and now running together.  So, the next issue we have is yes, the infection is healing but since I heal from the inside out, the actual infection has to come out somewhere.  So, now I'm paranoid about pimples coming up with pus on his body or legs, but I think (fingers crossed) it could be heading towards an abscess which would be brilliant.  Abscesses are easy to fix.  So, we've changed where we are putting Liquid Gold.  The one in the morning we put on the sores at the back/bottom of his leg and the night one we put Liquid Gold on the coronet band around the hoof.  

Wish us luck.

I love running with this Energy though.  It's a crazy, wild ride.

I will definitely give you photo's this week.  I want to take you with us as much as I can.


On another note, a girlfriend text and asked me, You've been talking about Vitamin C but what about those Lycosperic sachets?  

Excellent question, 99!

loved this form of Vitamin C when I first started taking it.  It is plesant to drink, makes me feel great and was at first a real win.  However, if I took it longer than 4 days straight then it flooded my body with Feel Good hormones and then took me into just before season in my cycle.  Which meant that I ate way more than I normally would and put weight on round my tummy.  Sorry, I just didn't think you would be interested in that so I forgot to tell you about that.

My bad.


Well, this is super f*cking annoying.  I made Popcorn Rocky Road yesterday and I've woken up this morning all jittery and high Energy.  So, something in it has thrown my Energy out.  I'm pretty sure, it's the chocolate I used.  Because now I think about it, I'm actually eating very little chocolate these days.  A crunchie bar a day normally but that has very little chocolate.  It's annoying because I need to change my day with the horses now, I can't play with them when I'm in Too High Energy.  On a positive note, this tells me that I have a lot which is working right and that I'm working on a clear Energy frequency a lot of the time.  

Super f*cking annoying though.


Ralph babysat tonight!  One of our friends down the road, his paddock mate was away for a night with his Mummy so was all alone.  So, when I fed out tonight I said, Hey, someone needs to babysit. Let me know which one of you is going, I'll be back in 5 minutes.  And there Ralphy poo was, when I came back.  Super chilled and happy as.  We walked down the road, he popped into the paddock and when I left they were having the best fun.  


Ok, so was at Tauranga races today.  It was an excellent day but Spirit stood with me the whole day.  It was really unusual.  Not because Spirit don't normally hang out with me but because Spirit were so readily there.  Like they were saying, Watch.  And then showed me.  But there was some funny parts, too.  So, there I was chatting away to one of the older trainers, he's old school so we're chatting and laughing and then his partner comes up to me and starts asking which stable I work for (no one),  what stable am I afiliated with (one) and what do I actually do when I come down to the races.  This last one always makes me smile so I said with a straight face, I wipe the horses down and pick up sh*te.  There was a funny silence and then the old trainer laughed then I laughed.  The woman glares at me and then gives me this shoo-ing motion.  So, I'm standing looking at this woman as she's doing this shoo-ing thing and then she hisses at me, Move away, you're standing too close.  And a laugh slipped out.  Oh c'mon, it was funny, so I made a joke and said, To your horse or your man?  And then things got a bit batsh*te crazy.  I'm going to have to stop wearing this particular bra.  Everytime I wear it things go crazy.  

But in having said this a lot of the horse guys are talking with me now, One offer of coffee and/or anything else moi may desire, 2 totally cool conversations, and a pick up by this random, totally cute guy who's getting petrol at the same time as I've stopped to buy chocolate, who starts talking to me about the moon today.  Did I know it was a Full Moon coming up?  Did I know it was a Super Moon? and Do I have any plans?  Surprisingly enough, I did.  I know, seriously? But all jokes aside, I did drive off and then Spirit gave me a slap and went, This guy just talked to you about the moon. Give him your name!  So, I reversed back and did.  I didn't say, Text me or call me   because, well, you know me, you really don't need to ask that but lots of weird and wonderful things have happened from (what I thought at the time) truly totally random conversations like the one tonight.   And weirder because it was 8pm on Sunday night and I had previously stopped on the side of the road to take two calls of which I would never normally do.   And he had watched me come out of the gas station and he went to pay, changed his mind, then turned back and came back to my car and started talking to me.  Actually, now I think about it, this bra is doing better than any dating site I've ever been on.  Best $50 I ever spent.

But all jokes aside, Spirit are playing at the moment and it's a huge amount of fun, super cool with the horses and I'm loving running with the Energy.

May you walk in peace with Spirit.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suzie Q, Buzz, Fenny and Flash.


I've stopped working with my little buddy down the road.  He's healing beautifully and I have done the work I said I would. His wounds are clean and he's been cantering.

** Bendon Factory shop.  Heidi Klum.

*** Missy and I are great.  We talk and chat, play and do mare type things.  And as much as she complains bitterly when she talks and I don't do things immediately, our relationship is solid.  

**** Guess what?  Just had an email to say that The Red Cross have just made contact and would like to see the mini's for their little refugee's!  

I love Spirit this week.  

***** Oh, almost forgot, haven't been able to get to Karaka to see the horses this week.  We've been so busy here that I had to make the decision whether to be the person that sees all horses and tries to be everything to everyone or say, I open the horse/human door but harness horses are my people.  

The decision was easy.  

****** Wait...not quite finished.  Do you remember me banging on about wanting a foal over the last year?  First, it was Sequoia and Spirit were like, No, you cannot put a green horse to foal.  First you get her broken in and then when that happened it worked out Sequoia wasn't for me and she went to a new home and Boom! no foal for Tania.  Then I looked around to buy one but all I could find were ones 6 months and older so that never came to fruition.  Anyway, I finally accepted that Spirit said No, kind of put it to the side and moved on.  Well, there I was at the stables this morning and they were breaking in foals (6 months old) and I got why Spirit wouldn't let me.  You need to be experienced with horses, you can't just take one at 6 months and try breaking it in.  It's an art.  And I just wasn't ready.  And working with the horse/human door needs to be done earlier than 6 months.  I've started one as early as 10 weeks (we thought it was older because it was weaned) and had brilliant results but between 3 and 4 months is the perfect time because the horse/human door is open and you can start playing.  

Well, bloody guess what?  Late this afternoon I got offered to work the horse/human door with a foal at 4 months.  

Boom, baby.