Horse Sense....



You know, one of the funniest things that I come across with my horses is when a horse I'm not there to see, tries to get my attention.

And I've got a real cutie on the go at the moment.

I don't see him, nor is there any reason to talk but you know, I always have a chat as I'm passing.

Well, he's decided that he would like more food and I swear, hand on heart, that I have never seen a horse with more personality.  Well, first off, he tried walking with me, then trotting next to me, then running up and down the fence doing little ballet type moves.  He has since progressed to standing actually in feed bucket, standing with the feed bucket upright under his tummy as if he is driving it and is now holding it out for me.  He is hilarious.  He tried once to sulk but he loves to chat so that didn't work very well for him.

And every single time I tell him that I hear him but I am not allowed to give him food.

But he is not giving up so, every morning he has a new trick for me.  A new way of explaining to me that he wants more food.

He has been, and continues to be, an unexpected pleasure.

On another note, Missy is good.  I did my first Miri Miri in ages with her.  We just stand there in the paddock, my hands are under her cover, feeling what's working and what is not quite working and we are at peace.  She takes what she needs from me and leaves the rest.  


My other outside horse I've temporarily taken on, a beautiful 26 year old grey is doing brilliantly.  Scabby/mud fever type thingy and swelling on both legs.  Started work 2 nights ago, swelling down, mud type thing noticeably better.  Super proud of his effort.  Can't give you photo's as I'm writing this but may be able to later on in the week.  I'll see how everything goes.


A bloody mouse has moved in!  I know!  And as I'm writing this it is 93 hours and 47 minutes (not that I'm counting) until the young one is leaving me again.  

With a mouse.  And Buzz.  The bull.

I know! You don't have to tell me...Score!

But all jokes aside, what happened to, I'll just raise Buzz for a little while and then he can go to another home.  Well, apparently that other home is here.  With me.  Complete with horns.  His, not mine but thanks for asking.  On the bright side, if push comes to shove, I'll never be short of meat.

However, I've put my foot down and told the young one that under no circumstances am I living with a mouse again so he has many hours (93 hours and 40 minutes now for those of you who are a little on the pedantic side) to sort it.  

Fingers crossed he doesn't make friends with the mouse though otherwise it will be Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Suzie Q, Buzz, Fenny, Flash (my little buddy) and Conrad the mouse.


Foods working well as long as I eat within 20 minutes of the time I expect to.  If not, then everything goes a little squishy and surreal and things go a bit pear shaped but you know, it's a learning curve.  However, the type of food I'm eating is balanced and right for me so you know, it's just tweaking it.

I'm learning to surf the waves.


M's back in work.


Down in Cambridge tonight.  It was good but a bit weird.  It was good because I was with our horses and it was weird because of the last time I was down at Alex and got caught touching other people's horses.  So, tonight I couldn't.  So, here's your favourite Psychic, hearing the other horses there and I couldn't talk, touch, towel dry or cuddle anyone apart from one right at the very end who's human was like, Yeah, of course you can touch him, he's only a horse.  It was heartbreaking for me.  And my hands ached.  The pulsating Energy that was coming from my hands was so strong it was a deep throbbing sensation.  Finally I tucked my hands under my arms, it got too hard not to touch them and in the end I just didn't trust myself.  

On a positive note though lots of trainers and drivers said, Hi and stuff.  Unfortunately, after everyone hearing I was shagging round like a drunk bunny I was a little well, standoffish.  Well, seriously, you know me.  It is kind of funny but if I'm being honest, it's totally weirding me out.  I guess what I always say is true, What you look for is what you see however, on a positive, positive note at least I'm a fantastic shag.  

In your dreams.


Thames racing today.  Gorgeous weather, lovely people, didn't get to touch horses which was a bit of a bummer but it was all outside, I had plenty of space and when the Energy did get too loud we just left and went to the Spiritual pools, so it was a win/win today.  Came home and saw one of my outside horses.  He's doing really well, excellent, in fact.  Lots of people have turned up and offered helpful advice to my lady of which she has taken none - I think I might love her.  Anyway, all jokes aside we were talking and she said the hardest part has been to leave the horse alone.  To not try and fix it.  I know, when I first started, that was the hardest part for me, too.

It's really unusual Energy at the moment though and as much as I would like to say peaceful, that would be a lie.  I mean, the young one is leaving really soon (it's too close now, I just can't do the hours) and if you even look at me the wrong way I'm completely melting down and bursting into tears on you.  Thank Spirit I have some really lovely friends.  But anyway, lots of Destiny things are happening.  Spirit are like, This is what is going to happen, trust us.  And then Boom! I'm hit with a rogue wave and I'm just holding the f*k on.  I'm going back to the very core, most essential part of who I am, speaking my Truth and not being afraid.  Ok, well, that bit is a little lie, I'm definitely scared but to be little and make myself less is worse than being scared.  Spirit know this.  I know this.  

So, Spirit are taking me by the hand and leading me, I'm shutting my eyes and trusting.  Spirit never ever let me down so I'm going to have to trust this process.

That's been our week.  

Take what you need, leave the rest.

Much love my friends and of course, my humans.

Caps, me, Spirit, Az, Ralph, Chew, Buzz, Fenny and my little buddy, Flash


So, the cows have finally got their game on and it goes like this...

We have 8 paddocks round our house in an L shape.  All of them connect into one another and are left open apart from the Welcome paddock which I try to keep clear for when we have shows for the mini's or a new horse.  And because I have only had 1 trough up by the house for the last two months (that's where the hose is, don't ask) everyone kind of congregates up by the house for breakfast, dinner and snacks and then buggers off to other paddocks the rest of the time.  It works well.  However, the horses (I mean you, Caps, Az, Ralph, Chew AND Suzie Q) have decided that not only do they like horse food but they are also partial to calf food.  Which is a bit unfortunate for the calves.  Most of the time I stay there making sure everyone stays where they should but sometimes I don't and the calves go hungry.  

So, I go out this morning and everyone is by the front of the house then I swear, hand on heart, the calves disappear.  I hear a Moo... start hunting round for them and then Boom! they have run down two paddocks, turned left, gone up the paddock, behind the big shed, through the other paddock and wait for it...are standing at arena gate waiting for breakfast.


** Sodium Vitamin C turned up today.  Wow.  First off, the difference between Absorbic Vitamin C and Sodium Absorbate Vitamin C is technically very little but let me tell you the differences not just on a factual basis but also on a Psychic basis and how it affected me and my body.  First off, S Vit C is salty.  Really salty.  1,000 mg of S Vit C generally contains 111 mg of sodium, however, it is non-reactive so doesn't upset the tummy and therefore is absorbed quicker into the body.  For me I had no upset tummy whatsoever and within 4 minutes it was Boom! to my system.  It hits hard and it hits quick so it will be quicker at building connective tissues and anti-body structures which means it will be extremely effective in killing viruses and bacteria.

Health Benefits of A. Vit C

Boosts immune system

Acts as an anti-oxidant

Lowers Blood Pressure

Prevents possible cataract

Prevents lead toxicity

Health Benefits of S. Vit C

Boosts immune system

Acts as an anti-oxidant

Helps in fighting / preventing cancer

Helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases

Prevents possible cataract

I will have to be careful of the dosage when using it though because you don't need as much S Vit C as the A Vit C.  For me I would use 1 teaspoon A Vit C and then another one 15 minutes later however, with the S Vit C I used one generous teaspoon and I didn't need that much.  S Vit C is said to work quicker and I can understand that.  It hits amazingly quick however, I want to see how I feel later on tonight and tomorrow.  However, first indications say that it is good.  I would be super careful using this though if you are trying to stay away from salt but from how I feel, it seems to have a quicker result and be more powerful in it's intensity.  It's also more expensive by about $30 if that makes a difference to you.

*** Day 2 and I'm feeling fine.  Gave some to Caps today and he is also fine.  Tried another 1/2 teaspoon today for me and 1 teaspoon for Caps.  It works well.  I have noticed that I get a really minor headache for about 15 minutes so don't know what that is about.  But it's not even a headache, like a slight heaviness in my forehead and to be honest, if I wasn't being super aware of any little change my body was making I most probably wouldn't even notice it.  However, it goes pretty quickly and I don't drink my water intake like I should so they could be connected.  Another interesting fact is that I've dropped my salt intake 100%.  I normally add salt to all of my food as you know yet have not added it in at all today.  It's also cut my appetite.  However, not eating as much does not mean that I am losing weight.  S Vit C may be playing round with another hormone which will encourage my body to still put on weight.  I've had this happen before when playing round with Pohutakawa Bark.  So, it is possible to eat less (much less in some cases) and still put on weight.  I believe that process has something to do with an increase of Insulin release, so this should be interesting to watch.  However, now I'm talking about this, Caps ate less at tonights feed.  Well, that's not 100% accurate, he only ate his and didn't try and eat everyone else's.

*** I've woken up and feel amazing.  Definitely not hungry however, I don't feel as if I'm losing weight so the next few days should be interesting because if it plays round with the Happy hormone give it another day or so and I will be absolutely ravenous and eating everything I can lay my hands on.  However, I am seeing a difference in my skin.  It's got a little glow on.  This is excellent news.